Kiss Me Right Before You Go

Feb 03, 2015 09:18

[+] So. There's been 'a little' snow lately, and Michael and I have had four days locked in the house within the past week (I'm working late tonight and he's gone for the day), so we're getting a little cabin fever. We watched Man of Steel last night, which was...kind of weird. I don't know. I *wanted* to love it, but I didn't. I didn't love Amy Adams as Lois Lane- well, I did, I loved the way she played her, but I needed...more of a person, I guess? And doesn't it kind of steal from the Lois & Clark dynamic that she already knows who he is? And I don't see at all how a Ben Affleck Batman is going to fit into this world. So we'll have to see...

[+] With a lack of other things to watch, I caught the first five episodes of Glee. I figured, what the hell, it's the last season. And you guys. I forgot how much I loved that show, in those early days, how special it felt. Yes, I know, I KNOW. But I keep thinking to myself how could I hate on this little show that could. (Don't remind me of all the reasons I hate on it.) I feel like losing Finn made Rachel a better character. IT'S A FUCKING TRAGEDY THAT CORY MONTEITH DIED SO YOUNG, THE WAY HE DID. But in the context of fiction, Rachel Berry is a much more well-rounded character. And I'm a terrible person. And Puck and Quinn are still together. They haven't actually *done* anything (other than touching each other in literally every single frame), or spoken about it, but I'm hoping for at least one more duet before the show's finale.

[+] In the last entry, I talked about what a chore it is to catch up with Reign, because it is a terrible show. But I finally saw the latest episode and I loved it.

You guys, I know I'm in the vast minority, but I loved this episode. I kind of felt like my show was back, even (which scares me).

Mary was AMAZING in this episode. Okay, here's the thing...I loved the whole thing until about the last thirty seconds. Her letting Francis stay in her room...well, at least she didn't just fall into bed with him.

But this is not about Francis (finally)! The argument between Francis and Mary...*that* is the girl I love. I am so curious about Comic Con this year, and how they are going to play this angle, because last year, the party line was, Everything is going to be All Frary, All The Time, And Nothing Will Hurt! guys know.

Because even if it's not Bash, the show keeps *showing us*, time and time again, how very little the real Francis adds to Mary's life. (I say the real Francis, because the Francis she loves is not the real Francis, he's the Francis she's had in her head since she was six.) And obviously, Mary trying to stay away from Conde (and I don't really see him trying all that hard to stay away from her) is only going to make them more irresistible to each other.

I can't think that that's the last we'll see of Greer. (Of course, that's what I thought about Diane, and Clarissa and Nostradamus, but this does feel different.) I think this is going to open up even MORE ways that Leith sticks his neck out for Greer though.

And I know I'm in the minority in this as well, but I would be totally fine with this show becoming Flowers In The Attic Starring Bash and Claude. 100% FINE with it.

And Diane was back! Finally! (And briefly.) Dude, I fucking loved Diane, and she really helped to bring back some of the energy from the first eight episodes (when everything was perfect). Honestly, it was a great twist, because I knew that Claude didn't really kill the twins, but that makes so much sense.

And I can't wait for the ways that this is going to fuck Bash up. I can't wait for all the ways that it is going to fuck up Bash and Francis. I can't wait for all the ways that Kenna is *completely not equipped to handle this kind of fucked up*. (Not hating on Kenna at all, more on her in a bit.)

Truthfully, I was surprised at the way Diane's reveal about Kenna came out- partially because I had kind of forgotten about it, but I also loved everything in that moment. Kenna was like I didn't even know you then and Bash was like be a fucking HUMAN BEING WHY DON'T YOU. And while he's right, her response is probably one of my favorite things about the show ever.

Try having a VAGINA for once, and wielding it like a sword.

I honestly think Greer lied to Mary to protect her (and herself, a little, but Greer has always been the smartest and she knows the fewer people who knew her secrets, the better off everyone would be).

I actually loved the Catherine's ghosts storyline, because a) it got us Van Sprang back and b) it was really kind of heartbreaking to just watch Catherine be happy, playing with her children, because you know that she never actually got to do that with any of them. But now we need the explanation. There's always been a logical explanation for the 'supernatural' occurrences, after the fact. Catherine said that Henry's water was black while he was having his visions, and they never really said, but I always thought that he might have syphilis.

I don't know how they would actually medically explain this, but I think it's a strong possibility that Catherine might, as well (though she lived for many years after Francis's rule, so we'll have to see).

I think they're filling in the credits based on whether or not the show runs 45 seconds or so over. And this show *is* a little bit less about Mary, but I feel like that eventually happens with wider ensembles. (As long as it doesn't become All About Francis, I'm fine.)

Outfits: I loved, loved, loved, loved, LOVED all the girls in creams in this episode, especially Mary's gown during the party.

[+] And I'm finally getting back to answering a few more of those couples from that meme I posted a couple of weeks ago:

Comment here if you want to play, and I will give you three-six couples that I associate with you, and you make an entry in your journal talking about those couples and fics that you wish the universe would write for you.

~I mean, I pretty much wrote ALL of my headcanon for them. But after I wrote Come Away To The Water, I had about five minutes of grand ambition of rewriting the whole thing from his perspective. There was a lot more I could have gotten into about his childhood. He's the youngest of nine children (five boys and four girls) and he hid in the woods for three days before Roman soldiers found him. They let him wrestle a wolf to see whether or not he could live and abused him all the way through the Roman empire. He survived the mines as a teenager, became a stone hauler, and eventually a gladiator. A total beast, but still a slave.
~Any stolen interlude of them in the ludus. Particularly any porn. (There's, like, ZERO het porn in Spartacus fandom.)
~I've toyed around with this Into The Woods AU where basically everyone just lives on Vesuvius until the end of time (even people like Barca, who died before they got there, and people like Laeta, who didn't exist until afterwards) and just them being domestic and building a life, and probably always talking about being worried about being found out, but no battles or anything.

~On my old computer, I had a Lexie Grey was born and then lived her entire life outline (that's kind of my blueprint, standard fic for all the ladies I obsess over) and I started it before she hooked up with Jackson, but it involved a lot of round robin of her falling in love with Mark, dating Jackson because he was a nice guy (and pretty fun to look at) and falling into bad decisions with Alex (and then doing it all over again, and Izzie and April kind of do-see-do'ed in and out with these boys too). But a lot of other stuff from pre-series, like having to pull her father out of bars when she was a kid, and dealing with her mother's death and finding out she had another sister.

I'm not going to lie, pretty much all of these ideas are ideas that waltzmatildah lah-di-dah-ed that she might write, some day, maybe, and I'm basically just sitting here with baited breath.

~While Alex is in a coma from his gunshot wound, he has a Wizard of Oz dream where he lives like an entire other life, going AU from s2, and Alex and Izzie just get together and do it right, right from the start and get married and make their family and have their four boys and it's hard and it's real and it's awesome and he wouldn't trade it for anything...and then he wakes up.
~An AU switch where everything that happened to Izzie happens to Alex (and vice versa). Alex gets cancer and leaves abruptly (not cause and effect, I know that), Izzie is left to pick up the pieces. Izzie grew up with abusive, mentally ill parents, and barely got out alive, and Alex scraped himself out of a trailer park (after getting a girl pregnant and handing a baby off for adoption). Etc. You guys know what happened.
~When is this fucking show ending? Whatever, just fast forward to The End, Izzie comes back, Jo is never going to measure up, and it all just makes itself right.

~The beauty of In Dreams Begin Responsibilities is that any way you wanted it to happen after that, you can have that perfect fantasy in your head. Well, I was (and still am, really, but in a different way) Angela/Jordan all the way, and I definitely wanted her to go off and embark on her first love, real love and go through all of the heartbreak and joy and pain and love that goes along with it.
~And then, the Adult Update. Angela comes home, at the age of Mid 30's or so, for some reason (maybe a class reunion, maybe her sister is having a baby, maybe there is a health scare with one of her parents or grandparents) and she and Jordan reconnect. waltzmatildah has outlined this one as well.

~Gosh, well what I would have wanted in my heyday of shipping them is probably very different than what I want now, but I would love a very *real* look at them in s1, from his point of view. Because he had A LOT more information than she did at this point, and Stefan allowing himself to fall into this light, this purity after centuries of pain.

I don't know. Maybe that's it, for them. But I do love their dynamic a whole lot now, of Exes Who Are Bestie's. So maybe something to do with that. (Maybe even with a hint of longing- from her only though, I don't want him to be longing for anyone when he's got Caroline. Sorry, I'm a hypocrite.)

[+] Gifs just do not work in my journal any more (it's probably my computer). Here, have some fanvids below the cut:

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tv discussion, tv: spartacus, tv: glee, movie discussion, tv: grey's anatomy, tv: reign, tv: vampire diaries, tv: my so-called life

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