Oct 17, 2005 22:03
Ok I got this idea in my head while I was working today that I want to list some of the girls in my life and tell you what one thing is I will remember forever. Something that has to do with you and I and perhaps some detail of some sort.
There is no real goal here. I just want you all to know what you mean to me and I think this might help.
In no order:
Robin: Our first kiss. If there is one thing I will never forget about you and I its that.
I never told anyone this till now but there are days when I go to run and I end up running to the school and when I stop I find myself sitting on that picnic table. It used to make me cry but now that I have resolved my conflicts about our past its one of the happiest memories I have in this lil brain o mine.
You may think I’m terrible and I’m an asshole and that I should have been 3498798743 times better to you but I’ll never think anything like that of you when I remember you.
Lindsay: Your insight. This was the hardest of things to pick. I cannot sight one moment with you I would never forget because I would be hardpressed to ever forget the impact you have left on me. if I didn’t have you around these past few years I’m sure I’d have slipped up somewhere and become lesser a person. I am infintley lucky and grateful to have your friendship.
I wouldn’t trade you for the world and I hope we never lose touch.
Mindy: the day I met you up to the day we stopped talking. We talk now and are still friends but we stopped fer a lil bit, cause I didn’t get along with yer BF and I was a mad asshole. But in the time when I met you when I was dating Jackie and you were always there for me when Jackie treated me like a dog, I could not ever have made it through those times without you there to help me, I know I was difficult and I was a stubborn asshole and for that I’m sorry but what you did for me does not go unnoticed. I cannot discribe to you the feeling I have when I think about how lucky I am to have had you in my life.
You are a truly great friend and I will never let you go.
Jessica: Our cross-nation conversations. We aren’t friends anymore but I don’t remember you for the negative aspects of our relationship. You may hate me and think I’m the biggest asshole ever but I’m not going to think that about you. I will remember you for the times when you were the one I choose to talk to while I was playing poker because you were capable of keeping me calm when I’d get stressed.
I’m happy to have had your friendship for as long as I did.
Ellie: The entire summer. As I wrote your name in this post you IMed me, that was extremely creepy. I will remember this summer forever, you defined this summer for me. all the conflicts all the fun, all the raw emotion. You wont ever understand what it is I was feeling or trying to explain but you should know this;
What we had this summer was love, when you can understand why it was love then you will have begun to understand me.
Jules: The rain. I wont ever forget you for many reasons but I choose here to recall 2 times we hung out. the one were we hadda get water cause it was all humid and gross out and I ended up throwing some on you and you chased me down then I stopped and let you catch up and I surrended and you showed NO MERCY! And you friggin soaked me….then I got you back. I smiled all night that night. And the night we laid out over the river and let the rain hit us in the face.
I love that I am lucky enough to have a friend I can share anything with and never feel out of place or misunderstood.
X-stina: The beach. Everything about us is different. We come from different worlds. We love different things. We practically speak different languages, but there was one day I’ll never forget for the rest of my life. Somehow we managed one day with no fights and no arguments. When we stood out on the rocks on the beach and held each other, the combination of the sun and you made me feel extremely .. alive. The same day sitting on the hill next to the water watching the sun set, the same feeling again.
Few people make me feel that alive ever, you did it twice in one day. This is how I know somewhere in you there is a genuinely good person, somewhere under all that rebellion there is a the girl I fell for…I just happen to be the only one who knew what I was actually in love with. I always miss that girl.
Trista: the first night. The first night you spent here. The first time we hung out. the first time I have ever seen that many stars in the sky from that ski jump. The last time I was at the top of that thing with anyone…its now been destroyed by someone and you cannot reach the top. I will always remember you and that night. And I will always be gratfull for having found someone I share so much in common with.
I genuinely love our conversations and I wouldn’t dream of letting you go.
Kate: The first girl I really cared about who I had the guts to just be myself around. I’m sure it seems like “that’s just what he does” when you think about when I just randomly showed up at yer dorm last year but that was incredibly difficult for me to do. Like it or not I really cared about you. I still do and I always will because you are a true friend to me. despite our differences and different outlooks on life and our lifestyles I still feel like we really do make great friends. If you didn’t live in Keene I’d make a decent attempt at making us better friends.
I’m glad I didn’t scare you away because I do value your friendship, more than you know.
Thank you all for everything,