
Feb 25, 2011 14:02

Title: Ladychat
Author: lennoxave  
Pairing,Character(s): Kurt, Finn
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,425
Spoilers: Through 2.14, "Blame It on the Alcohol"
Summary: Hudmel brothers! Kurt and Finn finish off the left-over wine coolers from Rachel's party, and they finally have that ladychat bonding time.

Kurt was surprised by the knock on his door as he was finishing his evening skin care regimen.

“Come in!” he called, assuming it was his dad.

“Shh!” Kurt spun in his seat to see Finn standing in the doorway, a finger to his lips.

“What?” Kurt asked, although he was quieter this time.

“Come to my room when you're done,” Finn said. “I've got something to show you.” He paused. “That sounded awkward.”

Kurt rolled his eyes. “I'll be there in a few minutes.”


Once Kurt had finished, he crept across the hallway to Finn's room and knocked softly on the door. Finn opened it.

“What's the big deal?” Kurt asked, walking in.

Finn just grinned at him and held up a six-pack of shockingly pink wine coolers.

“Oh, no, no, no,” Kurt said. “Dad already chewed me out once this week for letting Blaine sleep in my room. There is no way I'm going to be caught drinking when he's right down the hall.”

“Dude, this is a perfect opportunity,” Finn said. “My mom's working the night shift tonight, and your dad went to bed a couple hours ago so he can get to work early at the shop tomorrow. It's Friday night, and we were good last weekend. Don't you think we deserve to have a little fun now?”

Kurt sighed. “Finn . . .”

“He's not going to wake up. Your dad could sleep through a hurricane. He didn't even wake up last weekend when Blaine was singing that Gilbert and What's-his-face--”


“--Yeah, that Gilbert and Sullivan song while we dragged him up the stairs.”

That was true. If his father could sleep through Blaine's drunken rendition of “I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General,” then he probably wouldn't wake up tonight.

“We'll be quiet,” Finn promised. “And six wine coolers between us isn't going to do too much damage. We're not going to be as hammered as everybody was at Rachel's.”

“Fine,” Kurt conceded, and he grabbed a bottle from the cardboard case. “Where did you get these, anyway?”

“They were leftover from the party. Rachel had to get rid of them before her dads got home, so she gave them to Puck. Who gave them to me because he thinks wine coolers are like drinking water.”

“Well,” Kurt said, twisting off the cap of his wine cooler as Finn did the same thing to his drink, “cheers!”

* * *

They flipped channels on the TV in Finn's room for a while before finally landing on some Adult Swim cartoon.

“I thought being drunk would make this funnier,” Kurt said. Granted, he wasn't quite drunk. Two wine coolers made him pleasantly buzzed, and given that his last encounter with alcohol had ended with him puking all over Ms. Pillsbury, he was content to let his level of intoxication stand where it was.

Finn took a sip of his wine cooler, his fourth. “Nah, you have to be high for that.” Seeing the look on Kurt's face, he added, “I've heard. From friends. Puck?”

“Relax, Tokey McSmokesomeweed, your secret's safe with me.”

They sat together silently on Finn's bed until the next commercial break.

“Can I ask you something?” Finn asked.

“Sure,” Kurt replied.

“Do you know why Rachel was so weirdly happy this week?”

Kurt stopped to think. Obviously, the reason was Blaine, and the potential for things to happen with Blaine, but he wasn't sure whether he should tell Finn that or not. Rachel was his friend now, somehow, and he hadn't been lying when he said he didn't want to see her get hurt. By anyone, really.

“Why do you want to know?” Kurt asked back. “I thought you and Quinn had a thing now?”

Finn winced. “Not since she and Sam broke up.”

“That makes no sense.”

“Tell me about it.”

“Then what, you want to get back together with Rachel?”

“No,” Finn said. He cocked his head to the side. “Maybe. I don't know. I still care about her, y'know? But she hurt me a lot.”

“Quinn hurt you a lot, too,” Kurt pointed out.

“Yeah. But that was a long time ago. We had unfinished feelings to work out.”

“So in a year you'll be ready to forgive Rachel and get your mack on with her, regardless of if she's dating anyone else?”

Finn sighed. “I just wanted to do what I wanted to do for once, all right? Nobody else thinks about the consequences. Why should I have to?”

“Because that's what makes you a leader, Finn,” Kurt replied. “That's what makes you a good person. Being the better person, even when it hurts.”

Finn looked at him. “You're one of those perceptive drunks. That's your drunk archetype. I'm not sure if I'm okay with that.”

“Where the hell did you learn the word 'archetype'?”

“There was a website. Found it on StumbleUpon when I was supposed to be doing my Spanish homework. It was called 'Drunk Archetypes.'”

“I see. Is there nothing Internet can't do?” Kurt mused.

Finn took another sip of wine cooler in answer.

“Blaine,” Kurt finally said. “She was happy about Blaine.”

Finn furrowed his brow. “. . . Why, exactly?”

Kurt laughed a little. “Blaine got this ridiculous notion in his head that he might be bisexual after his kiss with Rachel at the party.” He rolled his eyes. “They went on one date, kissed while being actually sober, and Blaine came to his senses and remembered that he likes boys, not girls.”

“Oh,” Finn said. His expression was one Kurt rarely saw from him: thoughtful. “But why would it be ridiculous if Blaine was bisexual?”

Kurt gaped. “Well, because . . . I mean, clearly, he's into guys. And bisexuality is the label gays hide behind when they aren't ready to fully come out of the closet, and since he's already out . . . it would be pointless.”

“Huh.” There was that thoughtful look again. “Wasn't Freddie Mercury bi?”

“I . . . maybe?” Kurt said.

“And I saw on his Wikipedia page that Billie Joe Armstrong said he was, too.”

“. . . I guess that's possible . . .”

“And I think I remember Mrs. O'Connor saying that Walt Whitman wrote poetry about dudes and chicks . . .”

“Do you have a point?” Kurt snapped.

“I'm just saying . . . maybe the idea that someone else could be bisexual isn't totally ridiculous.” Finn took a sip of his wine cooler. “I mean, come on, look at Brittany and Santana and tell me there isn't something more going on there, no matter how much they say they just make out with each other for show.”

Kurt frowned. Finn had a point. Finn had a very annoying point. “That's different,” he said, not wanting to lose the argument.


“I'm sure I could tell you if I were sober.”

“Doubt it,” Finn replied, and he tipped back the rest of his drink.

It was true, Kurt realized now. He was so attached to the idea of finally finding someone who was like him that he'd lashed out when it looked like that might not be the case anymore.

He had been smug when Blaine admitted he was totally gay. He'd have to apologize for that.

“You okay?” Finn asked, bumping his shoulder into Kurt's. Kurt had been lost in thought.

“Yeah. I'm just not used to having to admit defeat to my brother.” Kurt rolled his eyes dramatically to emphasize his point.

“Well, you're gonna have to start,” Finn said, and he picked up an X-box controller and handed it to Kurt.


“Now that we're drunk and your defenses are down, I'm going to school you in Gears of War.”

“Finn, you could beat me at this even if I were sober.”

“Yeah, but I couldn't even get you to play if you were sober.”

“Fair point,” Kurt said. “Fine. But once I figure out how to play this I am going to kick your ass.”

kurt, gleefic, finn

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