
Aug 28, 2010 00:53

Title: Kiss-In
Author: lennoxave 
Pairing,Character(s): Kurt/Sam, Ensemble
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2,838
Spoilers: Season 1, Slight Season 2 for a character everyone in the fandom knows about anyway
Summary: For this prompt at the glee_fluff_meme .  Basically, Kurt and Sam kiss at school, which causes Figgins to start enforcing the anti-PDA rules.  The gleeks react with . . . an interesting protest.


Kurt was positively giddy when he left glee rehearsal.  Usually, he was just grumpy when glee rehearsed before school because it meant losing precious sleep, but today he was thrilled.  Mr. Schuester had finally given him a lead part on a song, and Rachel had kept her bitch-fitting about it to a minimum.  It was a very good start to the day.

"My, someone’s looking awfully chipper for 7:15 in the morning," he heard Sam say.  He turned around to see his boyfriend walking toward him.

"Oh, what a beautiful morning," Kurt sang as he rushed to Sam.  Without even thinking about it, he put his arms around Sam’s neck and pulled him down into a perfect Hollywood-ending style kiss.

"So it is," Sam grinned as they broke apart.  "What the hell happened in glee that’s got you so happy?"  Kurt told his boyfriend all about it as they walked together to the first period class they shared.  What they didn’t see was Principal Figgins observing them through the many windows of his office.

* * *

Kurt’s day had continued to go well until fourth period.  That was when Figgins came on over the loud speaker.

"Children!  I have a very important announcement.  It has recently come to my attention that students are engaging in so-called ‘PDAs,’ or ‘public displays of affection.’  This includes, but is not limited to, activities such as hugging, kissing, groping, ‘making out,’ or any sort of sexual relations.  Children, public displays of affection are not allowed on school grounds!  From now on, we will be strictly enforcing this policy.  A first offense will result in an in-school suspension and a mandatory meeting with your parent or guardian!  And same-sex displays of affection are included in this!  Thank you."

Sam and Kurt exchanged horrified glances at each other.  Figgins had never cared about PDA before.  Kurt had known that he was standing in front of the principal’s office when he kissed Sam, but he had never thought that it would trigger something like this.  As his teacher went back to talking about the periodic table, Kurt sank a little lower into his chair.

* * *

"Oh, that is bogus!" Mercedes seethed after Kurt told her the story at lunch.  Tina, Artie, Quinn, Rachel, and Finn all nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, it’s completely unfair.  Can’t we, like, call the ASPCA or something?" said Finn.

"Do you mean the ACLU?" Artie asked.


"No, I don’t think we can," Sam cut in, looking sullenly at his sandwich.  "If Figgins were just banning PDA between gay couples we might have a case, but there’s no discrimination in the policy.  He’s enforcing it equally for everyone."

"Which I’m sure is going to endear us greatly to our peers."  Kurt poked at his salad with his fork.  "They’re just going to love that it was the fags who got Figgins to ruin things for everybody."

Sam shot him a reprimanding look about his language, but didn’t bring the subject up.  "Look, they have no reason to think that we caused this."

"Really?  Because it’s not like the hallway was empty when we kissed.  People were on their way to class.  All we need is one person to put two and two together and . . ." Kurt caught something in his peripheral vision.  He turned. ". . . and Jacob Ben Israel has been sitting at the table behind us this entire time with his tape recorder."

McKinley’s resident gossip-monger held out said tape recorder.  "I’ve already broken the story via Twitter, but do you have any comment for the blog post to--"

"NO!" the entire glee table shouted back at him.  "Get out of here!"  Finn added, getting up to make sure Jacob high-tailed it out of the cafeteria.

"Our lives are over," Kurt said, and he put his head in his hands.  Sam reached over to put an arm around him but stopped himself.

"Dammit!" he said, smacking the table in frustration.  "My boyfriend’s hurting and I can’t even comfort him because we can’t touch!"

"You could sneak off," Tina suggested.  "Maybe . . . boys’ bathroom?"

"Yes, because a potential confrontation with Karofsky and Azimio in an enclosed space would make this day just so much better."  Kurt groaned.  "I’m sorry, I just . . ."

"It’s okay, I get it.  It sucks," Tina said.  The group fell to silence.

"Well," said Rachel, who Kurt noticed had been uncharacteristically silent during this whole conversation, "I for one am not going to stand for this."

"Rachel, I told you guys, I don’t think we have a case--" Sam began, but Rachel cut him off.

"I am going to the library to do some research into the matter.  We are going to fight this, and we are going to win."  With that, she picked up her bag and marched out of the cafeteria.

"You guys, did you see that?" Finn asked, looking at his girlfriend with equal parts admiration and terror.  "She had crazy Rachel eyes there.  This is not going to end well."

* * *

Kurt didn’t hear anything from Rachel the rest of the day.  Honestly, he was just happy that he and Sam had survived the rest of the day.  Apparently, the story hadn’t spread to the whole school yet.  Finn tried to comfort him before they went to bed that night.

"Really?  I think this will all blow over.  Everything will be fine."

Kurt wished he could believe him.

* * *

The next day, as usual, Finn and Kurt drove together to school.  They met up with Sam in the parking lot and walked into McKinley High together.  Kurt stopped dead in his tracks as they approached the principal’s office.  So did Sam.

In the hallway, in full view of Figgins’s office, the entire glee club was making out with each other.  And not in ways typical to any of them.  Puck had Matt pushed up against a set of lockers.  Quinn and Mercedes sat on the floor, tentatively touching lips.  Mike was sitting in Artie’s lap as they kissed.  Tina looked both amused and horrified by the gusto with which Brittany was (metaphorically) attacking her face.  And Santana and Rachel--Santana and Rachel, of all people--stood in the middle of the hallway, enthusiastically locking lips.

The trio of latecomers approached the group.

"I--" Kurt began, but his brain got stuck.

"Rachel came up with it yesterday."  Finn smiled.  "She decided that, even if there was no legal basis for a challenge or something, we could still show our support.  With . . . a kiss-in, I think she called it?"

Kurt and Sam just looked at each other.

"This. Is insane," Sam finally managed to say.

"Yeah, well, we’re hoping to send a message to the administration."

A familiar afro-headed teen walked up to Finn.

"Um, Rachel told me that if I didn’t come over here, she was going to--"

"Yeah, I know.  Just give me a second, okay?"  Finn took a piece of gum out of his pocket and started to chew it.  Kurt gaped at him.

"You can’t be serious."

"Well," Finn said, taking the gum out of his mouth, wrapping it in the wrapper, and throwing it in the trash can, "without you being involved, there were an uneven amount of guys, and I picked the short straw."  He turned to Jacob.  "So, yeah.  Here it goes."  He leaned down and began to kiss the other boy.

Kurt turned away.  "Of all the fantasies I ever had about Finn Hudson kissing another guy . . ."

"That was none of them?" Sam finished.

"Basically."  Kurt had more to say on the subject of Finn and Jacob Ben Israel, but he forgot it as a gaggle of Cheerios approached.  He mentally braced himself for whatever abuse they were about to unleash.

Instead, they all got into same-sex pairs and started making out, too.

"I swear to God I’ve had this everybody-turns-out-to-be-gay dream before," Sam mused.  "But this isn’t a dream, right?"

"I don’t . . . understand . . ." Kurt was so incredibly confused right now.

Santana broke away from Rachel.  "Trout Mouth here--"


"--wasn’t going to be the only one to be supportive or whatever.  Britt and I talked it over with the squad, and you’re one of us.  So, they’re here."  She turned back to Rachel, who looked a little bit less enthused to be kissing her than before.

Slowly, though, other students were starting to come through the halls.  Many of them stopped to stare at the spectacle going on in front of the principal’s office.  Clearly, word had gotten around as to the cause of Figgins’s sudden interest in public affection, because nobody questioned why there was a make-out orgy going on in front of them.  And, surprisingly enough, some other students started joining in.  Kurt spotted the chick who played bass in jazz band kissing some girl from AV club, and a couple of the male brass players were going at it in a way that suggested some degree of previous experience.

There were too many couples now to count, but Kurt figured that the number had to be over 40 and still rising.  The school was eerily quiet.  The people who hadn’t been interested in participating had pretty quickly left, and no one there was really in the position to be talking.  The only sound was the sound of people sucking face.

"This is amazing," Sam whispered, watching the display of support before them, a support they hadn’t even known they’d had.

"What the fuck is this?" Kurt and Sam whirled around to see Karofsky and Azimio standing behind them.

"This," Rachel said, pulling away from Santana, "is love."

The two bullies just stood gaping at the scene in front of them.

"How is this happening?  How has nobody kicked your asses yet?" Azimio wondered aloud.

"Apparently," Kurt smirked, "nobody else cares as much about ‘the gay’ as you two do.  And if you want to try something yourselves, feel free.  I’d say it’s roughly . . ." he surveyed the scene, ". . . ninety to two.  I wouldn’t call those betting odds."

Karofsky and Azimio kept gawking, looking slightly sick.

"Nobody . . . cares . . ." Azimio repeated absently.

"Nobody cares," Karofsky said, a surprising firmness in his voice.  He grabbed Azimio by the shoulders.  "Nobody cares."  And then he planted a kiss on Azimio right in front of nearly a hundred people.

"WHAT?" Kurt and Sam yelled in unison, as the kissing stopped around them.  Everyone had turned to watch this new development.

"There!" Karofsky and Azimio broke apart.  "I have been dying to do that, in public, for years.  But have I?  No, because it wasn’t what guys were supposed to do.  But we can.  So fuck that noise."  And he leaned in to kiss Azimio again.

The assembled students gave a cheer and resumed their kissing.  Karofsky spared a moment to look at Kurt.

"We still fucking hate you, Hummel, even if we’re batting for the same team.  But it’s because you’re a bitchy, prissy rich kid who thinks he’s better than everybody else, not because you’re gay."

". . . Duly noted," Kurt said as Karofsky got back to more important things.

"Oh my God, this day," Sam muttered, shaking his head.  Kurt just smiled at him, and was about to lean in for a kiss of his own when a commotion from inside Figgins’s office erupted.

"Um," Rachel explained, "I may have alerted some choice members of the faculty to your predicament."

"It is discrimination, pure and simple!" they heard Mr. Schuester yelling.

"William, I did not make this decision to discriminate!  But if parents find out that two male students were allowed to just--"

"Maybe you ought to be worried about what will happen when the parents of those two boys find out." Kurt’s eyes bulged out of his head as he recognized Sue Sylvester’s voice.  "They could slap all sorts of lawsuits on the school, and your precious budget would be decimated.  And who would pay for my Cheerios to get full-body Korean massages every week then?"

"Be that as it may--"

"No!  You could be doing irreversible damage to these boys’ self-esteem!  And do you really want to drive the Hummel boy to do any more drinking?" Kurt cringed at the end of Ms. Pillsbury’s speech.  He had gotten off with a warning for that.  Sam looked at him for some sort of explanation.

"Later," he whispered.  The voices were moving.

Principal Figgins opened the door of his office (which had had the blinds drawn) and was met with the same scene Kurt and Sam had walked into a few minutes before.  Except multiplied.  He walked out into the hallway stunned, the others following close behind him.

"What is the meaning of this?" Figgins demanded.

"Well, it looks like you’ve got yourself a rebellion," Sue Sylvester smirked.  "I’m guessing you probably don’t have room for this many kids in in-school suspension, huh?"

Figgins fumed.  "Stop this at once!" he shouted, but no one paid him any attention.

"You know," Will said, "with this many kids supporting the cause, it doesn’t seem likely that one gay couple is really going to cause a commotion with parents."

"With dozens of them, though . . ." Ms. Pillsbury began.

"And you can add one more to the list," Sue Sylvester said, and before anyone knew what was happening, she leaned over and kissed Ms. Pillsbury square on the lips.

The crowd cheered with appreciation.

Ms. Pillsbury looked like she was about to pass out.

"I need . . . mouthwash, and rubbing alcohol, and . . ." she mumbled absently to herself as she hurried away from the scene.

"What, Elsa, you don’t appreciate the aftertaste of my morning beef protein shake?" Sue Sylvester called after her.  This was the last straw for Figgins.

"Fine!  Whatever!  I don’t care!" he said, throwing up his arms.  "Just go to class, okay?"

The crowd again erupted into cheers.  Kurt and Sam grinned at each other and kissed, which only led to more cheering (and a few catcalls from Mercedes and Quinn).

"Class, I said!" Figgins called back at them before slamming his office door.

"Good job, guys," Mr. Schuester gave them two thumbs-up before running off, presumably to find Ms. Pillsbury.

The couples began breaking apart.  Mike struggled to get out of his position on Artie’s wheelchair.

"Dude, kissing you gave me a crick in my neck."

"It’s not my fault you’re so damn tall."

Brittany reluctantly pulled away from Tina.

"This was fun.  I like kissing.  We should do this again sometime."

"Uh . . ." Tina started, but was saved by Santana.

"Britt," she said, taking her friend’s hand, "you want to go to the locker room?"  Brittany nodded her head enthusiastically and the two walked off together.

"That can’t be sanitary," Artie commented.

"Yeah, but it’s fun to watch," Puck replied, and he and Matt took off after the two Cheerios.

"This is the weirdest day," Kurt said, and it was about to get weirder.  He walked over to where Rachel was standing.  "This is completely without precedent, and you shouldn’t get used to this happening too often, but I wanted to thank you.  For everything."  He paused for a second, and then decided to hell with it.  He pulled Rachel into a hug.

She seemed stunned for a second, but soon eagerly returned it.  "You’re welcome.  It was no problem.  You know, since I’m an ally and everything."  They let go.  "Besides, this experience has been excellent research should I ever be called be called upon to play the role of a lesbian or woman with bisexual tendencies."

"And the moment’s passed," Kurt said, but he said it with a smile.  As Sam gave Rachel a hug, he looked around.  Most of the group had dispersed, which meant that he was going to have a long day of making individual thank-you gestures.  But there was one he could get out of the way now.

He walked over to Finn, who had gotten ride of Jacob Ben Israel and was chewing another piece of gum.

"You are, like, a saint for going through with this," Kurt said.

"Yeah, well, I needed to do it, y’know.  To make up for . . . things . . ." Finn trailed off.  Kurt shook his head.

"The past is the past.  Don’t worry about it anymore.  And thank you for doing this.  Especially with Jacob.  I feel like I should buy you something to make up for it."

"Maybe a cake?  Cake is good," Finn said.  Kurt laughed.

"Sure, yeah, a cake."

"Hey, Kurt?"


"Do you think Ms. Pillsbury would share her mouthwash?  I’m pretty sure Jacob didn’t brush his teeth this morning."

Kurt winced.  "No.  No, I don’t think she would."

kurt, gleefic, sam, ensemble

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