Some thoughts from today

May 31, 2008 23:42

Is it possible that I saw a dozen (12) police cars on 80 today? Yes.  But I was safe, for I have learned how to use cruise control! Haha, my car is a robot!

...Oh, car is a robot.

Speaking of robots, I'm very upset by Pixar's new movie Wall-E, but I will probably see it anyway because those people know a goddamn thing or two about production values.

John and I played my favorite game today: house.  We didn't get around to the laundry, but we did make dinner, and that is fun, not to mention delicious.  Five years from now, making dinner won't be as exciting, alas, but I do what I can for now--like when Camillia and I made BISON pasta at Uncle Scott's island.

That's it for now, I suppose. I'll update on he jobs later.
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