May 21, 2008 17:41
School and the ballet season are now long gone, and now summer begins. Only it's not a very summery summer so far between the weather and that I've started work already. Just waiting for those paychecks to start rolling in (lol , yeah right) so I can buy me some crap like:
- a new bag (I've been carrying the same one around everyday for a full year and it's kinda gross)
- one or two CDs from to/die/for...only the best Norwegian gothpop metal band evar
- moar BPALs (always)
- a new Yumiko leotard because they are like sweet sweet candy only you wear it
- lots of lattes and sushi (although not together because that = indigestion)
- mebbe a lil road trip
Hopefully they don't dick me over and I get paid regularly and the correct amount (fingers crossed). I'm excited to be doing the work I have this summer, since it's all stuff I care about and not just alphabetizing weird names on medical charts that have gone missing. I'm sure there will be plenty to kvetch about come July, but that's why they're summer jobs and not careers.