Crimean kingdom of last Goths

Jun 17, 2008 16:22

In order to “finish” the Gothic theme I post here some of my exploration’s results about the last days of Gothic people. As I’ve previously mentioned, the last Gothic person was a little boy who was found in the waters of Black Sea coastline near his destroyed village. I still have no idea what was the name of this village and what was the further fate of this boy, except that he was taken to Germany in order to be educated there.

However I have found some additional information about Medieval days of Goths (Crimean Goths).

After initial period of post-Roman catastrophe had gone Byzantines soon destroyed Italian Gothic power, centuries after Western Gothic power of Span was destroyed by Arabian tide.

However the southern part of Crimean peninsula was still the place where remnants of Eastern Gothic nation survived. They were in constant contact with Byzantine authorities (from whom they absorbed Orthodox way of Christianity) of the province of Gothia and lately with Genoese colonies. The most stable was the state “the Principality of Theodoro”, which official lifetime lasted till the middle of 15-th century. Even Mongols couldn’t destroy the forces of this people. Goths lost their independence only to the “allied” forces of Crimean Tatar Khanate and Ottoman Sultanate.

At this map (Wikipedia) we can see the area (green color) of this Gothic Principality.


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