No new hobbies, equipment, games, or books are allowed during this year. Instead, you have to find the value in what you already own or what you’ve already started.
Not only is it far easier to pronounce ('la' like 'bar', 'gom' like 'prom'), but 'lagom' is much more easier to understand than the indescribable feeling of 'cosiness' [see Hygge: A heart-warming lesson from Denmark
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“Samu is the understanding and the experience of material as spirit. What use is it to live in this world if one doesn’t realize one’s thoughts through material? Work done in this spirit really becomes a panacea for the mind and is at the basis of spiritual power. All the great masters practiced samu diligently, this is why the majority of Zen
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Книга американского ученого Эндрю Смарта «О пользе лени. Инструкция по продуктивному ничегонеделанию». (Autopilot: The Art and Science of Doing Nothing Paperback - by Andrew Smart) Обложки Нью-Йоркера - источник: Illustrations