quantity [квонтити] (англ.), quantité [кантите] (фр.), cantidad [кантидад] (исп.), quantità [квантита] (ит.), quantitas (лат.) - количество;
cuanto [куанто] (исп.), quanto [кванто] (ит.), quot, quantus (лат.) - сколько;
kiintiö, kiintiötä [киинтиö, киинтиöтя] (фин.), cuota [куота] (исп.), quota [квота] (англ., ит., лат.) - квота, максимальное (конечное) допускаемое количество в рамках соглашений и договоров.
КОНЕЦ, укр.
"индо-европеизма" для quanto и quantità смешали в кучу любые вопросительные слова, начинающиеся с К-: *kwo- also *kwi-, Proto-Indo-European root, stem of relative and interrogative pronouns.
It forms all or part of: cheese (n.2) "a big thing;" cue (n.1) "stage direction;" either; hidalgo; how; kickshaw; neither; neuter; qua; quality; quandary; quantity; quasar; quasi; quasi-; query; quib; quibble; quiddity; quidnunc; quip; quodlibet; quondam; quorum; quote; quotidian; quotient; ubi; ubiquity; what; when; whence; where; whether; which; whither; who; whoever; whom; whose; why.
It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit kah "who, which;" Avestan ko, Hittite kuish "who;" Latin quis/quid "in what respect, to what extent; how, why," qua "where, which way," qui/quae/quod "who, which;" Lithuanian kas "who;" Old Church Slavonic kuto, Russian kto "who;" Old Irish ce, Welsh pwy "who;" Old English hwa, hwæt, hwær, etc.