100 Super Junior Fiction Challenge:
Title: Lost
Pairing: #50 kyu.chul
It has been exactly 24 hours since Kyuhyun entered the ICU. While his family waits for him patiently outside the ICU, the members were home, worrying about their newest and youngest member.
It was pure agony.
Heechul sits in his room and waits quietly and patiently, trying to rethink what had just happened in the last 24 hours. For once, he was not playing around nor sitting in front of the computer with Kibum and Kyuhyun playing Starcraft.
Starcraft. Kyuhyun's favourite. Those fun times...
It was a torture to only be able to think of the times that have past.
If Kyuhyun isn't going to get any better, it'll truly be a thing of the past... No, that wasn’t going to happen, Heechul shook his head furiously.
With Eeteuk and one of their managers in the hospital, Heechul now had a greater responsibility; he had to take up the role of the oldest hyung and look after the members. He needed to ensure their safety and that no one is out of his sight - it may only mean more trouble for the group and the company.
And you can bet he was trying real hard.
It was just that... the younger members didn't really want to listen.
He was lost.
Was it that he wasn't performing well? Was it that he was a bad hyung? Was it that he didn't know how to care for them?
Despite his effort in trying to get the group's morale together, Sungmin had shouted at him for playing a fool at times like this, Han Geng had stood by Donghae and used cuss words back on him, Young Woon had snapped at him for being insensitive, and even Ryeowookie was going after him for being immature.
Was he that bad?
Because all he did was to try and cheer the members up. It was a time of emergency, or crisis, and the members had to stay optimistic about Kyuhyun's situation, no matter what the others say. It was a time to be bonded, to show others that Super Junior would be able to make it through...
And for that, wouldn't it make sense only if the members' stopped crying first!?
Imagine what Kyuhyun would say if he woke up to see the other 12 members crying like there's no tomorrow and that he was about to die!
Oh, the shock!
He was lost.
Why is it that no one understood him, no one knew what he was thinking, no one could understand his way of caring, of showing his love, of expressing his concern for them?
All they did was to shun him away. Him, and his leadership.
He was lost, no doubt.
He was nothing more than a fish swimming in the sea, unable to know anything more than swim around in circles.
He was lost.
Because he can understand them no more than they can understand him.
No, he couldn't.
He couldn't understand them.
Just like how they couldn't understand him.
It's dark.
A dark, dark place.
Where am I?
where's this place?
Manager hyung... Are you there?
Jung Soo hyung... Where are you?
And Dong Hee hyung and Hyuk Jae hyung... Are you guys somewhere here too?
Where's... everyone?
I'm lost.
My eyes seem closed.
But I just can't seem to open it.
Save me please.
Just save me.
It's too dark here.
And I can't seem to find my way around.
My eyes... I need them to open now.