After the usual routine of classes I went to an MLK event at PENN on social justice and the media. It was so good just to be an environment like that again, it made me feel alive. Along with the usual dialog I learned several random interesting facts. Did you know for instance that you move less when you watch action TV than when you sleep (ie. coverage of the war by journalists imbedded with the troops)?
In other news, the extension to the Patriot Act is up next week. Here's something you can do to make you voice heard. Taken from True Majority:
Moves will once more be afoot to set these sweeping government powers in stone. TrueMajority members will call Congress to speak out again, working with a coalition of other groups. When the time comes to pick up the phone, we’ll need to react quickly. Here’s what you can do to get ready:
1. If you are willing to make a short phone call to your Congressional representative next week, sign on to the "Rapid Response" team. We’ll make sure you get a short e-mail at the right moment next week. We'll send you the phone number to call, and important talking points on the PATRIOT Act that will help to make your calls more effective and smooth.
2. Pass this invitation on to friends who also might be willing to use their voices to defend Americans' civil liberties. They can sign on to the list also.
We need to generate as many calls as possible, so please let as many people as possible know about this and ask them to sign up, too. You can easily spread the word by using our tell-a-friend tool, which will pop up after you sign up for the team.
Here’s the link to sign up: In case you need incentive consider the words of Ben Franklin, “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty or saftey”.
Random occurences: Today in nutrition the new teacher was talking about calories are really kilocalories and a small tangent about the metric system ensued. He says how the rest of the world and Canada are on the metric system. Is Canada not part of the rest of the world? On another related measurement topic, at the end of the lecture I went to a guy asked me the time. I told him, and then apologized for taking a couple of seconds because my watch is on military time. Mostly I felt stupid looking at a digital watch and having to think about the time. Anyway, then I thought about what is military time in this country is really just international time, but yet again our country refused to make life easier for everyone.