So a bit ago, when I got all puffed up because I
passed my LCSW-C exam, I made mention that The licensure also gives me the right - nay, the duty - to bitchslap anyone who uses the word "bipolar" in an incorrect context. And someone responded to my taunts MWAHAHA! very insightfully asked me what the correct usage was. I meant to write this up
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and what bothers me isn't so much the termonology but the abuse of medications and lack of following up reasons for things. had i gone to a psych. person, i probably would have been 'clinically depressed' for YEARS and given one of the many anti depressants out there. but now that i'm on the meds i'm on, i feel VASTLY different, and while i can still drop in my mood, i'm not crying myself to sleep or just not wanting to do much of anything with myself. i still get lazy, but the overtones, i guess you could say, are strikingly different. all because the thing that was actually wrong with me is being treated - which has symptoms of depression.
And you're right that medical problems can and so imitate mental illnesses. That's why the DSM requires that we rule out all medical and substance causes before diagnosing, but sadly a lot of so-called professionals don't. That's why I'm ad advocate of the 5 hours face time, to make sure you get a thorough history, including particularly medical conditions. ^_^
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