So a bit ago, when I got all puffed up because I
passed my LCSW-C exam, I made mention that The licensure also gives me the right - nay, the duty - to bitchslap anyone who uses the word "bipolar" in an incorrect context. And someone responded to my taunts MWAHAHA! very insightfully asked me what the correct usage was. I meant to write this up
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also, i went to an all women's college where it was chock full of lesbians (and i've more than enough friends from there too). i haven't met anyone of the homosexual persuasion that would be offended for me using gay in it's appropriate manner. i'm still confused over the redundancy of 'gays and lesbains' because it's just... redundant. (tho maybe they're called gay cuz they're happy? *shrug* i'm not in linguistics)
and now i think i'll start my campaign of "it's not Y cancer if it started in another orgain, it's just X-cancer in your Y" where X=tumor origin and Y= common metastatic sites - brain, lung, liver, lymph node
i wonder if i should bring back the gay-daft club... or at least our news paper...
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