Title: In Love’s Defense
Spoilers: Takes place after ep 101 (8x09) soon after Pepa and Silvia have announced their engagement.
Rating: R for characters we all love that may or may not be in peril - I ain’t telling yet! ;D
Pairing: Pepa/Silvia (¡El morena y pelirroja!)
Summary: As Pepa and Silvia look forward to their upcoming marriage, the
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Comments 36
I spend my awake time wisely; I get to read all the great posts on here, like yours, so it all works out;)
Yay for spending your awake time wisely and on the pepa_silvia community! :D
good stopping point indeed
*takes deep breaths....downs some Jack and coke*
This is payback isn't it? What the 2 something weeks of you not updating wasn't enough torture; you had to cliff us too? Meanie!!! *pouts*
But ok, ok...it was brilliant. It was realistic...the police talking stuff was awesome! And the tender moments between Silvia and Pepa...what Silvia said to Pepa was *dreamy sigh* Beautiful. Even in the face of a crisis, they manage to be all mushy sweet. Hope you're gonna update soon...the cliffy bout drove me half outta my mind. Update!!! *grins*
And who cares about the RL inaccuracies...it's your story, your RL! If I bothered with technicalities like that I'd go insane.
"Be careful, don't get drunk and comment - don't drink and dial!" ~ I learned my lesson...no more drinking and commenting. I've never gotten drunk and called anybody....yet. I've drunk texted a whole lot though. My msgs were gibberish. *laughs* Oh, oh, got another one! Don't drink and play pool. I once shot the ball off the table and it crashed into someone's drink. *cringe* It was baaaad. Then another time, I was holding the cue stick and trying (very badly) to demonstrate how Gabrielle in Xena wielded her staff. End result...bad. I won't go into it.
But you just had to give us a cliffhanger didn't you? *pouts comically*
Seriously though, I really think this is a great fic. Keep on writing, please.
Yeah, I do have a few more cliffhangers planned tho - shh! Don't tell raven_bard since it's her influence that I have them in the first place! :D
but oh so awesome can't wait to read more.
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