Title: In Love’s Defense
Spoilers: Takes place after ep 101 (8x09) soon after Pepa and Silvia have announced their engagement.
Rating: R for characters we all love that may or may not be in peril - I ain’t telling yet! ;D
Pairing: Pepa/Silvia (¡El morena y pelirroja!)
Summary: As Pepa and Silvia look forward to their upcoming marriage, the
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Yeah, I think trying to get the RL technical stuff in there, even if it's not correct is part of the fun - I just like trying to create tension/drama/angst - it's a fun challenge.
The drink and dial line was from Sideways - but yeah, I've drunk and texted many a time - mine came out pretty hilarious but accurate and I was so proud of my drunken ass! :D Oh, and I have a replica Gabrielle staff from New Zealand and almost clocked my cat and myself many a time trying to use it - when sober! Eep!
Ahem, as for the next part, I've been working on it faithfully tonight but have a bit of a ways to go. Will post by the end of this week otherwise, I feel you'll have my head!
You a replica Gabrielle staff? Dang, I'm jealous. I begged my mom to let me get the replica chakram...the Season 5 one but she wouldn't let me. It does cost an arm and a leg though so I kinda see her point. But I'm sooo getting it when I've saved up enough.
And yes, you better post soon! Or your head will go onto my shelf as a consolation prize. *grins*
Yeah, I got one of the staff replicas at a con years ago - they have long since stopped making them. That's the reason I have debt - years of conventions, plus I'm a collector at heart! Probably the most unique thing I own from Xena is Gabrielle's BGSB from the second season and one of Xena's costumes from the ep 'Between the Lines' - they are not Lucy and Renee's actual costumes (it's their stuntie/stand in) but I'm happy to have anything from the actual production!
My head as a consolation prize on your shelf?! Eep, you've been watching too many horror flicks - I'm a wuss when it comes to those!
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