
Dec 12, 2008 13:51

My computer's getting ready to crap out on me.  Seems to be doing all right now, after its second system restore in twelve hours, but I won't be surprised to see the blue screen of death yet again.  I think it's about time to get a new computer, but no can afford it.

Am getting my shit together for grad school applications.  I doubt I'll get in anywhere (why is it that only really prestigious schools have divinity programs?) but at least I'll have tried.  The hardest part will be e-mailing profs for recomendation letters--I hate imposing like that.  But I cannot stand another year of total boredom.  I miss school.  :(  Justin kindly left his computer here so I could do all of it without having to worry about another visit from the Angel of System Errors.

I am currently using my computer, and it seems to be okay, but I think I'll keep using Justin's for applications.

Watched Pan's Labyrinth last night, in a fit of "nothing better to do."  Oh my God.  I know I'm behind the times a bit on that one, but it's been sitting on my shelf since my last birthday and I've just never had the time/desire to read subtitles.  It's so sad!  And kind of not, too, if you think that what Ofelia was seeing the whole time was real, but still...  I never really thought about how WWII affected Spain, except on the level that I knew it too had it's experiences with fascist dictators.  Nothing in detail.  But it was visually gorgeous, and the story was really well-balanced.

ETA:  Have e-mailed three of my old profs begging for letters of recommendation.  Go me!

computer, grad school, real life

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