we teach you to spit at the point of galactic balance

Oct 15, 2011 16:28

"Seventh Song" The Holy Mass for Relja Krilatica, Milorad Pavic (trans. Charles Simic)

Rejoice eleventh finger reckoner of stars
For you are the one exiled into the light
Your mind is made up with angelic speed
While the wings were given to you to catch him
We threw him on heaven's shores like a crown
To listen to the moon's breathing
Where he falls down we'll build a house
Go now and bring him back
In a sleeve full of moonlight
We are teaching you to bear God's beard
To crawl out among the stars
Like a worm from an iron walnut into the flesh of the wind
But you sit in your heart above all nights and fish
We teach you to spit at the point of galactic balance
Between the pull of the moon and the pull of the earth
But you've caught the mole of heavens
Sewed feathers in her back
And wait for wings to sprout
You teach her to tell time
Terrestrial time makes her hiccup
Neither your last name's name nor your first name's nickname


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