Sep 16, 2010 15:28
My plan is still in effect because I am updating now! Before I had hoped that I would have time to update at work when I was the only one left on shift, but the past three night have just been crazy thanks to the world seeming to want to fuck with me. I realize how melodramatic this sounds but this is trule just how I feel, however childish and overly emotional it migt make me seem.
What doesn't help is the fact that our newest employee is still in training, needing someone to sit with her while she takes calls because she simply cannot grasp the job. I understand that this is a hard job when it comes to understanding all aspects of what we cover, but I am impatient and I believe it is understandle. When she is finally able to be on the phone by herself and can be there with no huge problems for a while, she is going to be taking over my shift and I will be able to move my schedule to an hour earlier. I want this very badly.
As of right now I get home two and a half hours earlier than Christine does, and this severely limits our nighttime activities and relaxation, as well as pushing us into going to be later because we want to make up for that lost time. We are also limited to the times for working out and that extra hour would allow us the time we need for that so we can get back on track. I am not happy with my physical appearance and limitations and I want to do something about it. Living on the third floor doesn't help with this because I don't feel it's very fair to our downstairs neighbor if we're pounding around on his ceiling. It's impolite and not very neighborly of us and despite the fact that he is very fond of slamming doors late at night, which we can hear very well through the floor, we don't want to stoop to his level.
Working out would also improve my mood and my general mental health which I feel is continually slipping and I don't want to end up medicated. I don't feel there is anything wrong for people to want this option, but I don't really feel the need or want to put those chemicals in my body. There are too many side-effects that scare me, however rare they might be. Most of the time I'm even reluctant to take over the counter pain medication, despite any severity of headaches of muscle pain.
My stress level just seems ridiculous. Yesterday I actually got angry when the new employee took it upon herself to take over my faxing duties which I have been assigned for nearly a year now. I understand that this is slightly ridiculous on my part, but I really feel like she was stepping on my toes and I absolutely loathe that. It asnt even that she did it, it was the fact that there was no communication whatsoever when everyone in my department had seen me working on it for the ten minutes leading up to it. Hell, someone who cannot figure out what an indoor voice is even commented on it!
Originally I had wanted to talk to my supervisor, express in a way that made it seem as if I might be stepping on toes, but I didn't. I chickened out at the last moment and didn't send the email. Honestly I complain too much as it is and Christine reminded me of this. I don't want to be seen only as the bitchy complainer. I suppose I am, but I don't want my co-workers or my supervisor to see this so I usually reserve it for Christine when I'm ranting.
I am also sick and tired of being one of the two people out of five people fully trained to take calls actually pulling her weight as well as supporting others. I take nearly twice as many calls as everyone else and I am scheduled for the latest shift which is the slowest for call volume, and this is on top of the numerous other jobs I have been assigned including data entry of specific claims, taking care of the faxes and mailings for my department, weekly and monthly reports, and anything else the supervisors and manager need done that they don't have time for. In addition to this I addmittedly am texting, checking Facebook, Live Journal, Twitter and browsing other websites. Yet I still manage to get this done and all my tasks completed before I am expected to.
I am just so tired. Weekends when I'm allowed I could sleep for 12 hours at a time and still feel like I haven't gotten enough sleep. I never want to wake up in the morning and find that as Christine is getting ready for work I am dozing more often than not, even when I know I need to get up and get shit done. I was surprised that I was able to motivate myself into doing so this morning, though I didn't feel like it helped anything at all.
On another subject, and after advice received, I decided to decline the Facebook friend request from my sister. The advice was if I wouldn't initiate a friend request, why would I accept one? And no reason came to mind at all. So that was settled, and I felt much better not accepting than I would have if I had accepted I think. I wouldn't have to worry about her idiotic updates and inwanted comments to my life. I do want access to the family drama and goings on, but it just wouldn't be worth it. Anything worth knowing my mother would probably update me on.
And now I get ready to head back into work from lunch. Fingers are crossed that the latter part of the day doesn't suck so much.