My. Internet. Connection. Is. Cut. Off. Roughly. Every. Five. Minutes.
It. Renders. The. Internet. Something. Rather. Like. All. These. One. Word. Sentences.
It. Sux.
Especially. After. Twelve. Days. And. No. Help. From. ISP.
*&!#@^%$*^*%$@!*&%^&^%@*^#*&*#!!! (I hope my ISP is fluent in Symbol!Cursing... on the off chance they read my journal.)
Okay, so I'm limited to checking emails (as long as they don't have large attachments) and a little web browsing - the things that can be done in the seconds (minutes, if I'm lucky) between outages.
My apologies to
autismmom, whose birthday I missed last weekend because it fell into one big 'netless hole... :-/
There was one of those if-you-don't-laugh-you'll-cry moments, though: I did manage to have a few hours of uninterrupted internet... during the time when LJ went down. o_O
*hits "send" hopefully*