Seen on a holiday shopping trip at a place that sells calendars: a quiet, vaguely geeky, guy lurking behind me as I wrapped my mitts around next year's Original Star Trek calendar. The guy waits until I've turned away, reaches out and grabs the one remaining copy of the Trek calendar, then damn near sprints (without appearing to) to the counter to pay for it. It was the slickest move I've seen in ages. This guy was definitely a well-seasoned closet Trek fan.
Seen on the internet while on holiday: next to nothing. Dial-up after broadband is like stale crackers after chocolate.
Seen on the road while driving home from holiday: every crazy/bad/stupid driver in the South Island.
Seen on the internet (with the benefit of broadband): the
coolest Nimoy site since Spock wore a dress and serenaded Uhura and Nurse Chapel.
*attempts to catch up on 10 days worth of netstuff*