Day 12 - What's in your bag, in great detail

Aug 18, 2010 11:54

( list of 30-day meme stuff )

Almost halfway there, woo!

By the way, I made it through the fasting yesterday... though at some points I got pretty dizzy and miserable. :P I made myself so much food--steak sirloin in mushroom saute, baked potato, chicken & almond salad... and in the end I could only eat the salad and the potato before I got uncomfortably full. :-/ I had another bowl of salad and a cup of cereal & milk later, but I was pretty stuffed! Funny how quickly the stomach shrinks to adapt :] Not sure if I'm going to go the full time today... depends on whether James wants to eat out or not, lol. ;] But at least I know I can do it... and at least I know now how much food I eat because I get bored. The only one keeping me from being more slender is me... but oh, food is so tasty!! T_T

I ironed all of James' dress shirts today... I know, what a housewife I can be sometimes :P But I feel pretty confident about ironing shirts now--except I still hate doing it. Such a pain.


My wallet, which is brown leather and beat up and ugly, always has a spot in my purse. I really want a newer, smaller wallet, but I can't justify spending on a wallet when mine is in perfect (albeit ugly) condition. -_-;

I always try to keep my camera in my purse as well--in its case with the extra battery. You never know when you'll need a camera, right? :] Or I'm just fanatic about pictures...

It goes without saying that my cell phone is always in my purse when I'm on the go... and I keep headphones in my purse as well since I have Pandora on my cell. (Yay smart phones!)

Because Colorado has practically no humidity (yay Mile-High!) I always have Burt's Bees lip balm and hand lotion in my purse.

And because James always gave me crap about it in the past, I now carry a pen in my purse at all times too. (It is pretty handy.)

Right now there's an umbrella in my purse because it looked like rain a few days ago... keep meaning to take that out... and lip gloss since I went downtown to the bars on Saturday. And... yep! That's it!

Not a terribly exciting meme today, is it? ;]

30 day meme

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