May 14, 2010 13:14
...and I spent my first free night getting wasted and talking about awesome shit with Brett until 3am, when I promptly passed the fuck out. Today... holy shit, my head hurts like a motherfucker. Power hour + another beer trip wasn't the best idea, but I had a lot of fun. Thanks for chillin' with me Brettasaurus ^____^
It's kind of sad, thinking that I'm done with the UCD campus... I'll be going on campus for office hours so that the profs writing my LORs can get to know me better, but I think I'll always look back at this year fondly, no matter how much debt it put me in (a lot) or how stressed I was (a lot). Starting this post-bac year was a big gamble for me, and it paid off in more ways than just a great GPA. :] Wonderful classes, professors, students... just a great environment in general. Thanks UCD :]
Just finished reading Cat Street, a shoujo manga by the same manga-ka as the Hana Yori Dango series (which I hated a lot, actually). It's a really wonderful series, and it's put me in a really mushy mood ♥ It was refreshing too! It wasn't solely focused on "omg who is she going to end up with?!?!?" and more about her growth as a person. Made me happy. ^____^
Hmmm, what am I going to do for the rest of the day? @_@ I'm studying for the GREs starting next week--my brain needs a break for a few days. So I guess... recuperating from last night is on the agenda ^^;