Hello everyone! I hope you're having a wonderful Sunday. Mine is awfully rainy, but I'm thankful for the cool weather & the chance to go for a few hours without having the sun beating down on me.
01. So, No Doubt's summer reunion tour is old news & the blog post I'm about to talk about is also old news (it was posted back in May), but I just stumbled across it a couple of days ago while trying to find out who did the sweet artwork for a tote bag that No Doubt has been selling at their shows. The artist in question turned out to be Kevin Dart &
this blog post on
his website takes you through the process of drafting this amazing poster that No Doubt has had screen printed onto tote bags. If you're a fan of No Doubt or retro/pulp/vintage inspired illustration, you should definitely check it out.
02. Amazing, gorgeous photos of projects completed by Brazilian calligraphy students!
They're amazing! (via
Oh Joy)
03. Seriously gorgeous illustrations for a Czech version of Bambi, published in the 1960's. See them
here. (via
04. Amy Karroll recently posted on making iced tea in the summer & how to have loads of different teas on hand without running out of room in the fridge.
Check out her tips! (The berry/black tea combo sounds especially good!)
05. If I were rolling in dough (which, trust me, I am not), I would totally snap up this amazing
grandfather clock doll by Eva Monleón. I am absolutely in love with her sweet little face!
That's it for me! I'm off to finish watching
this amazing Johnny Quest documentary and play with my GameBoy (my bf keeps nagging me saying that it's a DS and not a GameBoy, but I don't care. If it's handheld and made by Nintendo, I'm going to call it a GameBoy!)
EDIT I'm on the lookout for a new layout for this community! If you would, please point me to your favorite places to get LJ layouts (or to your favorite layout in general).