Oct 25, 2010 11:26
[ranting and raving]
So today, I was SUPPOSED to get my drivers' license. YAY RIGHT?! WRAAANG. My dad had a 'bad feeling' about something this morning, so he called the dmv we're going to to make sure of some things. I thought nothing of it.
see, a while ago, daddy asked nina to check the website and see if we needed to make an appointment to take the driving test. she said no. daddy didn't question her. he should have. (not saying i blame you nina, just...angry)
he calls up the dmv to make sure they do walk ins, they say 'uh no, you need to make an appointment, you can do it online.' i start losing it a little. suemom says, 'well they're never busy so there should be an opening today.'
so we check. there is no opening. not today. or tomorrow. or the day after. or the day after that. or the day after that. earliest i can get is next effing thursday, the 4th.
so pissed off right now. I took the whole day off of school to take this test, and now it was for nothing. i really don't enjoy school, but i really need to be there if i want to keep my kick ass grades. i'm gonna be behind in ap history, i have to make up my playing test in band, and my ass is gonna be so lost in algebra II. i was okay with it, because i was sacrificing this day solely for the purpose of getting my license, with the knowledge that it was well worth it. but now? yeah, totes did it for nothing. and i have to miss ANOTHER day when i actually GET my damn license.
oh, and the car is busted. won't start. makes a *click click click* noise. we've narrowed it down to the battery, alternator, and/or the starter. thanks mom for not fixing it before giving to us. :( so now we have to go get it fixed ourselves. i have no idea how expensive it will be. i will have to help pay for it. and i will be paying for insurance when we get it. i am not rich. i only work part time, busting my ass making ice cream all day. i am just one person. I am sick of getting all of the responsibilities and burdens that come with growing into an adult and getting absolutely none of the perks. I cried today for the first time in i don't know how long. :'(
And we're on tornado warning. It's storming pretty badly right now. the weather is not helping my mood, as I have been silently fuming for the past 2 hours. I'm just really disappointed. I know waiting just another week and a half doesn't seem like a big deal, but I've been counting down until this day for the past month. and I know my little stepbrother was counting on me too, we LOATHE riding the bus to school. it's honestly despicable how bad it is. i certainly don't want either one of us riding it anymore. we were so looking forward to today so i can start driving to school. and now we're delayed even longer. it's just really disappointing when the one thing you've really been excited for and have been preparing for is snatched away at the last minute. wow i sound like a spoiled brat.
and i have to work tonight. and i'm closing AGAIN. who in the hell is gonna want to go get ICE CREAM during an effing TORNADO WARNING?!
*sigh* I just want to be able to go to work on my own, and take myself to school on my own terms. most of all, i want to be able to be more involved at the roxy, audition for shows, take myself to my classes, and go to rehearsals without worrying about rides. at this point in my life, with how busy i am, getting from place to place needs to be at the bottom of my list of woes. i just don't want to worry about how i'm getting where i need to go. is that really so much to ask? :'(
[/ranting and raving]
and I'm so sorry i wasted this much of your time. :(
brb crying forever,
my life sucks,
so angry right now