Jul 17, 2007 21:39
well today i went swimming and I saw the movie little man, which was funny ass hell. Good day, I must say. The sun is shinning more for me. yesssssss I got to love that. oh yeah Lonna gave me Cotton Eyed Joe lyric corrections and now I kind know the lyrics. I need to start working on my monologue for general auditions in the fall. I'm not excited about that shit either. My summers are always about as little theatre as possible. When I have summer break... The key word is break because New World drained the hell out of me. I'm so happy that I have one more month and a couple of days left. I don't miss school but I'll be back there in the fall. I'm going to give it one more semester and see if my feelings change. If I hate it...then Im so gone after my fall semester. I guess I'll work and get a 9 to 5 until I find my brain. I got to start doing things for me. Life is about growing up. Well my mom yelled at me today about being on the internet all day and have dail up she never can get in contact with me. Plus the power bill was 230 something dollars and thats not good. I believe we can do better than that with the power bill because that is expensive as hell. I don't know why it's so high. So I guess I'm only going get on the net for an hour a day. I'll do my live journal, check email, and do quick email convos. I suspose to get my celly back on in two weeks so I'll give all my friends a call or text with the new number. Everyone knows that I just go through phone numbers like I go through socks. Lol. I love you all oh so dreamly. ttyl.