(no subject)

Oct 02, 2005 22:19

Okay I'm back.
I just renewed my LJ account so I might as well post something.
Newest obsessions include BSG and Firefly/Serenity. I must find some Serenity screencaps and icons. They're out there already I'm sure. But OMG I will not use any of that "can't stop the signal" stupidity the hard core fans love. I'll wear my browncoat (literally) but no need to explain the meaning to more people.

Serenity Rocked. The big decision now is when I will go see it a second time. I echo all the other LJ posts that say "I love Joss Whedon. I hate Joss Whedon." How could he kill Wash? I can't believe it. This guy got the best lines in the show. His marriage was the best relationship on the show. Much better than the will-they-or-won't they drama between Kaylee/Simon and Mal/Inara. I couldn't even cry when he died because I was too busy just trying to comprehend what just happened. However, once Wash and Shepard were dead, I figured that the body count would go even higher. When Simon and Kaylee were shot I really thought they'd be the next major characters to die. I'm beyond happy that they survived the movie. And Kaylee/Simon sex? Squeeeee! Shirtless Simon! Shirtless Simon! Mal was a huge asshole the whole movie but I've been assured that he was that way through the 14 Firefly episodes. I'll have to look into it. Until then, must continue obsessing and hoping for a second Firefly movie.
I'm STILL catching up on BSG and working on the first season. I'm still confused over why I should care about the multiple Boomers on the show. Though I'm impressed that the show managed to have a bit of a West Wing feel when it takes place in space.
Back to the real world tomorrow.


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