Signs And Warnings: Chapter 6 Outtakes

Sep 19, 2007 00:44

Ahh, yes. There were so many ways to do scenes from this chapter that I couldn't resist; and I kept trying different ways until I absolutely loved what I had. One that didn't quite make the cut: (I promise I'll work in an explanation for how Dean and Sam are related, when you look closely). Here, this was intended to follow immediately after where Major Wexler reports via walkie-talkie that he's "found them."

Wait a minute. ‘Them’?

Daniel was just behind Jack and Teal’c, slipping into the not-so-empty Level 17 ahead of Sam and the three security guards trailing in their wake.

“Stand down,” was Jack’s order.

Major Wexler’s hands came off the P90, but his eyes never left the two men who were standing in the middle of the room, hands up and well away from their bodies. Daniel blinked. They don’t even look related . . .

No, that wasn’t true. The younger Winchester matched his picture almost exactly, though there was something deep and sad in his eyes - eyes that were bluer than his brother’s, but still almost the same. And they have the same chin.

And, here's a set of lines I liked, and wanted to use right up until I had to smack everything with the "subtle" stick, and this bruised too obviously to stay.

“So. What’s an archaeologist doing in the military?” Dean asked. “Aside from, y’know, traveling the galaxy.”

“I could ask what two almost Ivy-League dropouts are doing breaking into high security facilities, but I think I’ll save it for after-dinner conversation,” Jack snarked.

supernatural, spn fic

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