First of the Year...

Jan 09, 2010 12:24

So Christmas wasn't actually too bad this year. no one got too grouchy, and the gift of a NEW computer actually went over rather well. Yes, my parents finally have a NEW computer! (Now if I could just get them off of dial up...!) The snow seemed to coat the ground every day EXCEPT christmas, which was a little disappointing, but oh well. My big present? An AAA membership. Since I'll be driving to Toledo twice a week come next month, it was very appreciated. I just hope it stays unused!

The lack of regular wifi is starting to drive me a little batty, I think. I've been so out of touch without it, I didn't even realize there was another terrorist attempt on Christmas until several days later! I blame the new haircut. Oh yeah, my hair is now shorter. Has been for almost a month now...still not sure I'm used to it, although at least I don't quite think I look like a boy anymore. I kinda miss the length during this cold snap though! Brrr!

All of this "free" time has led me to see a few movies I've missed, at least. I've finally seen Bolt, The Transporter, and The Da Vinci Code. Bolt was rather melodramatic (even for a kids movie) but Rhino the hamster makes the whole movie worthwhile. The Transporter was pretty much as I expected. The Da Vinci Code, on the other hand, was not. And I am glad of it! I want to see Sherlock Holmes with Melissa next...I only hope I'm not as disappointed as I was with Iron Man and Star Trek.
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