Mar 11, 2002 01:24
i've never been more glad to see buffalo. we got back in town today around 3:30pm. i mean technically we'd only been gone since saturday around one pm, but the time spent driving qualified the weekend for super extended/tiring weekend of the year.
it was "meet mike's friends" weekend, which proved to be akward at times, but all around fun. it was honestly a "i feel really out of place" vibe for half the time spent in erie and rochester, but surprisingly everyone was really quite warm and friendly and most of the time noticed my existance. yesss.
watched a horror film, something with "blind dead" in the title-- while attempting to inhale our case of zima (???this was a result of last second liquor store decisions of melissa & mike). me being extremely nearsighted coudln't see a fucking word of the subtitles throughout the entire film, but the naked women and breast cutting scenes were quite enough to keep me amused for an hour and a half.
and the stupidest things can scare the pee out of you and make you cry with laughter at four in the morning.
the "art show" was pretty, uhm, hip; yeah. erie is really happening. um.
erie diners have bendy straws and this, in particular, made my weekend.
either that or julia's cigarettes. (!!!)
the weather in erie was seriously insane. driving from buffalo, to rochester, (both 70degrees) to erie: when we arrived it had to have been 30 degrees and the sky was pitch black at 5pm. scary scary.
the way home we witnessed about five cars / semi's completely off the road, smashed into guardrails, or flipped over in the shoulder. in buffalo someone crashed head on into the stone wall that seperates the 33 from the 198.
we got home, showered, and slept. all day. and it was lovely. and i feel lovely. and now i sleep.
i always feel so inadequate. it's easy to make a fool of myself.
thank you to brandon for letting me sleep at his house and exposing me to such great movies as this blind dead crap!!! thank you to melissa for offering to let me get high with them (hah!) and hopefully not thinking badly of me!!! thank you to julia for the countless cigarettes she offered me and the "it's ok, we'll get drunk later" pep talk when the 'potato battery' was wearing me down!!!