You're Mah Boy BLUE!

Jun 28, 2006 23:31

The Big Blue Boy Scout is Back! Boo-Yay!

And what's most interesting is the humanity of the story. (Bless Brian Singer's lil heart) Oh, there's spectacle out the wazhoo, some of it pretty extraordinary. (Sorry Chris, it's CGI-a-palooza. Although to be fair, I think it's some pretty jaw-dropping effects.) I kept getting wrapped up in the Metropolis city scape, it's a crisp collage of different cities. At one point on screen, the artificial Daily Planet shares the sky line with the Brooklyn Bridge and a spire from Cleveland. Although from the air it's clearly Manhattan, I defy you to tell me I'm wrong.

No, for all the whiz-bang, the heart of this Kryptonian is the key to the story. Just as Spiderman, Batman Begins and even Hulk focused on the humanity and emtional landscape of their hero, this flick climaxes not with the soaring score and booming THX but rather with the subtler moments. The ones we can all relate too, at some level.

That being said, I actually wasn't moved as deeply as I would've expected. I'm not sure why, I think all the elements were there. I'll have to rewatch and see if it was just the mood I was in.

I'm tapdancing around many comments I want to make, but one I think I can say quite bluntly is this: This is a sequel. No relaunch here, no siree. Drop III and IV from your memeory and you are all set to plow into Returns with gusto. Routh is uncanny as both Clark and Kal, channeling Reeve so heavily you'll think that Brando isn't the only one resurrected for the part. He looks terrific and I think upholds the tradition and spirit of those truly grand first movies. (The real fanboy in me wished his S was bigger, but I might be projecting.)

Lex is not the Luthor I know and love. He's the movie Lex Gene Hackman over did, but Spacey hits a very delicate chord with the character so Big Ups to him.

The rest I think I'll leave for you to discover for yourselves. It is an absolute must go see, so I expect most will eventually. Judging from the crowds and the audience reaction, I'm sure large numbers will be mentioned next Monday. The most important thing for me, thou, was the spirit of the picture.

It was pretty damn Super.
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