Oct 31, 2008 23:29
It was raining today, so I ended up staying home and passing out candy to trick-or-treaters. I think most horror movies start out. Anyway, I was planning to pass out the candy around 7PM and end at 9PM or until all the candy was gone. All of the lights were off, and I was watching television around 6PM. Then I heard the high pitched "HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!" screamed in unison coming from the foyer.
Again, the lights were off and according to the unofficial Halloween rules: no lights, no candy, go away! So at first, I thought they were at my neighbor's house, but then again another: "HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!" ... this time, much louder! I was in shock, thinking, "Oh my god, they're in the house!"
I walked over to foyer and much to my relief, no one had broken in and it was quiet; no knocking, no excessive ringing of the doorbell. Was it just my imagination? Some delusion brought on by (possibly) expired Halloween candy? I took a deep breath, turned on the lights and nearly died at the sight of many children with their scary-child faces pressed up against the glass door! (very much like in the Japanese version of the Grudge, where one girl sees her dead class mates after pulling away newspaper from the windows).
It was not one, or five trick-or-treaters, it was a swarm! In fear that they would break in and wreak havoc over bite-size kit-kats, I opened the door and began to distribute the sweets. They came in all sizes and costumes: transformers, witches, mask-less batmans, angels, cats, and those masked murderers from the SCREAM movies. Three bags of candy was gone at the end up twenty minutes. Gone.
From across the street I saw another parade of children and I quickly turned off the lights, bolted the door, and went upstairs in my room to hide.... or try and beat Kane's bowling score on Facebook.
Happy Halloween! (For the next three minutes anyway.)