四銃士 (Yonjuushi) PV review

Nov 27, 2015 02:55

The music video for 四銃士 (Yonjuushi ) is a delectable treat and yet a disappointment.

In fact, you'll find a whole bunch of reasons why this PV is one of NEWS' best, but there's also something that kills it. 'Yonjuushi' means 'Four Musketeers'--you'll immediately think of the 1970s movie--an old story, its background even much older.

But the PV is quite modern; not futuristic, as I heard some fans say. It's something that, initially basing on the CM promotions, will get you really excited for we see that it's completely different from the other 2015 PVs (KAGUYA and Chumuchumu) which were very traditional. Yonjuushi is a fresh catch from NEWS' past concepts: soccer themes and retro references. And this modern look doesn't fail us, from the PV's setting to the plot, from the choreo to the props. It complements the song's Classic flair, as Yonjuushi's melody is derived from a Classical piece! (to be discussed on the music review IF i get to finish it)

Having a very interesting and enigmatic twist, I admit my expectations for the video shoot up to 200% prior to its release. I watched the teasers/promotions everyday, overly appreciating how this is a bomb and I'll definitely be head over heels when the full PV comes out. I revered too early.

In all fairness, Yonjuushi is aesthetically pleasing. The modernity highlights the boys' handsome faces--while they are truly handsome on a regular basis, Yonjuushi gives them a demigod edge.

The past PVs have a certain vibe of 'Reaching out'. Interacting with kids/people in the soccer songs, impressing the audience in Chankapaana, and seducing the princess and lovers in KAGUYA and Chumuchumu, the latest PV offers less togetherness. Ironically, the song says "One for all, all for one". Arrogant? No it's amazing. How the members' individuality shines here is pure gold. Take these scenes for example:

Tegoshi and being a... well, the star.

Massu and tastes. See the perfumes and clothes.

This is why Koyama's perfect body comes to life.

Remember Shige reading in WORLD QUEST PV? As expected from NEWS' resident smartass.

But before we discuss how cool NEWS members are to insert representations of themselves in the music video, let's look first into the drawbacks. I think most of us can agree on this: we have expected the PV to have a storyline. Apparently, it doesn't have... or it has but it's obscure... or it has but it's incomplete. The PV ends up leaving questions; a true cliff-hanger. This is the only disappointment I get, but it's a big disappointment. In terms of coherency, I might even favor Chumuchumu over it (to think that I gave the former a low score of 2 out of 5.)

Generally, this is one of NEWS' rare movie-like PVs (Yonjuushi and Summer Time are the only ones I could think of--all their other PVs come off as dance videos or simply, music videos). Because Yonjuushi's a new and a brave concept, it's sad that it doesn't follow a smooth flow. Like they're just throwing and throwing random scenes; casting the lady assassin just so that it would look action-packed; renting a whole building and using different parts of it to shoot. I bet in the individual scenes they're all in the same building, just different floors. You agree?

Also, I question why Nishimoto Tomomi, the featured artist/conductor in the PV, gets her screen time only at the last chorus. She should've had more exposure.

Setting the downside aside (LOL gotta love rhyming words), I love this PV because it shows a different side of 4nin. Since Chankapaana, all their PVs have been filled with happy vibes and colors, and this one is their 'darkest' so far. Although if you've noticed, this PV has enough grins, winks and eye-catching shots/angles to see that our Four Musketeers mark their sex appeal as a priority!

Less 'togetherness'--but more individuality, a messed-up plot--but good execution, use of a larger set, a notable character (the lady assassin), an orchestra, and fanservice... Yonjuushi's elements are irresistible.

I'm tempted to write a scene-by-scene review but that will take a lot of time and words, so I'll just put the scenes I see as the video's highlights. Since it's been a week from when the PV was officially broadcasted, I'm pretty sure everyone has already seen it, but I'd like to warn you of the spoilers in the next paragraphs, just in case.

• The PV starts with this. The four musketeers are the targets. From this enigmatic shot we know it's going to have some action.

• We get the first glimpse of the antagonist, and we get the first glimpse of our shining blond protagonist Tegoshi who's inside a car. Outdoor scenes? Sadly, none.

• This shows NEWS x backdrops. Shige has such a nice view behind him! I'm not particularly fond of the black/blue/white/yellow combination, but the contrasts are perfect in this video.

• When I finished the PV and got disappointed by its messy storyline, I've found comfort and happiness upon realizing the individual scenes have a significant meaning. As mentioned in the first half of the review: Sparkly Celebrity Tegoshi; Massu the fashionista with the wardrobe and perfumes; Koyama as your boy-next-door toning his muscles; and Shige looks like a CEO of a company, reading during his spare time. It looks very close to the members' RL images. And that's NEWS. That's the point of the video. Different personalities, different lives--'til they come together as the four musketeers, "piercing the heaven with their swords" yeah baby! (pictures on the first part of the post)

• The choreography is what I'm rooting for in live perfs. It's doesn't have the usual femininity, and the moves are calculated. I missed NEWS doing 'serious' dances.

• The (in)famous Tegoshi wink, a.k.a. the part where it got shady. So what happened afterwards? Killed by a wink, milady? You're supposed to kill them!

• Finally, Tomomi-san gets her spotlight. I hope you don't mind me fangirling over her, but she's hot!! Just look~

• The end scene, although common in all PVs, is my favorite part, because you can see the great dynamics NEWS has, and also because the orchestra in the background makes me feel that the group has gone a long way musically--NEWS' music is what got me into them in the first place--and that warms my heart.

The PV does have a very nice execution. Unlike in Mr. White short film where the storyline was good but the execution was a meh, in here the visual appeal and sophistication is among the commendable in Johnny's. I can't say that NEWS attacked full force in Yonjuushi, although it's important to note that this is their first DVD single, meaning another milestone for the group. All in all, I still prefer NEWS' latest PV than the one before, and if not only for the puzzling plot (which is a major for me) I would give it a perfect score.

Rating: 3.5 ★ out of 5 ★
Download the PV, available in three different formats, at koyashigedake community!

reviews, idol: masuda takahisa, review: music video, idol: kato shigeaki, group: news, idol: tegoshi yuya, idol: koyama keiichiro, pv review

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