It's the 12th of November and srsly you know what you're missing, dear journal.

Nov 12, 2015 04:12

The Tegoshi.
The TE----goshi. ↓

IT'S HIS BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait, what should I say to get past this late-post-even-if-you-have-the-whole-month-of-November-celebrating awkwardness? *oh shaddap it's already Nov 12 no excuses you're late*

Let's see; I did a Tumblr post yesterday. Unlike most of my well-thought (or so I thought) birthday tributes, this one was probably my most candid Tego message... and so far the longest of my stupid ones too. I don't really show sweetness to my bias, BELIEVE ME. EITHER I'M A TSUNDERE, OR A CRITIC. I MAKE TEGOSHI APPRECIATION POSTS, YES; BUT THAT'S MOSTLY A PART OF MARKETING MY BIAS TO EVERYONE AND NOT OUT OF MY DELICATE HEART AND MUSHY FEELINGS EWWWWW

Here it is! (source)

(A very poor edit since my fingers were trembling from the latte I just drank. caffeine intolerance?
Ah well...)

Happy 28th birthday Tegoshi Yuya! TL;DR this is more of a ramble than a greeting :p

I spent the midnight tearing up a little because my plans for your birthday was thwarted by RL chores and whatnot. During the ‘planning’ stage, I had at least three ideas; a theme for a write-up, a collection of quotes, and a photobook style post (because you said many times that you want a solo photobook). I asked friends if they’ll be available on the date; made a budget for buying cake. Thought of dyeing my hair pink for the occasion. Nah, It’s a normal fan behavior I guess, but to me it’s been my yearly tradition to make tribute/s for Tegoshi’s birthday AND IT NEVER FALTERED!!! So when I was obliged to RL I was swept away. Still feeling glum until now (palpitation I hate you), I made this halfhearted edit, but I want to make up for this with a message. Or a ramble. A childish love letter and all.

The time I became a fangirl I started consistently writing journals. From my scream when I first saw his face on the screen, to my anguish when NEWS lost RyoPi, to my redemption when the group came back as four, much of my feels were recorded. It was--in a very cliche tone “an emotional roller coaster” and a test of strength and faith, and a notebook of commentary, jokes, creativity, and wide-eyed appreciation for the fandom. The most prominent parts, of course, are the Tegoshi-biased moments. Beyond what’s written there are tooooooons of them. Tegoshittin’ like 100x a day. It’s a funny thing (whenever I become nostalgic I laugh more than cry for all the silliness), being a dedicated fangirl. How the feelings got bigger like a couple overcoming the seven-year itch LOOOOL, is even funnier. “How are you taking that guy seriously?” I wrote why it’s hard to be a Tegoshi fan last year. (and have started writing part two!). The point is, Tegoshi is indeed an idol. I realize that every day. It’s becoming obvious everyday. He’s becoming just a common celebrity everyday. His face is becoming a meh sight. The fanservice, very expected. But these things that make Tegoshi ordinary, he’s great at these. He’s great at being handsome, he’s great at saying sickly-sweet remarks, great at doing his idol job, great at making himself great.

And this is because of his innate, inborn strength. Determination. Competitiveness. He’s actually grounded, you see. Grounded of these values which steer him whatever direction he chooses to go. Or goals he wants to achieve. Gosh, every Tego fan probably have said it--Tegoshi is an epitome of strength. It shows from his physique to his personality to his accomplishments to his words and into our hearts huhuhu ;_; Okay I’m crying now, gotta post this birthday post because I hafta do RL stuff again. I’ll stand up from this chair thinking how Tegoshi is beautiful and has inspired me in a lot of ways and how I want to make a lot of birthday posts but the fact that I have limited time and uuuugh okay bye! This is such a mess. Happy birthday Tegoshi, and I wish the best of the best for the best of the best. ♥

Logging out. (Pardon the grammar mistakes I’m not beta-ing this)


I was quite surprised it didn't have many mistakes and I think I've fairly made the message across. ^-^
Btw I was really crying when I typed the last sentences. 25% because of the mushy feelings It's very relieving that in spite of the midnight frustrations and afternoon palpitations I finished a thing! Tradition is hard to break; in this case, Tegoshi's birthday is the one date I've turned into a tradition. Crazy as it sounds, it is the day where I often transform into my ideal self. What have you done, Tego? Do you really have the magic?

There are many fan accounts/stories saying that their bias/es saved their lives. And some further claiming it's how a fan-idol relationships are supposed to be. Uh no.
For me, Tegoshi isn't a life-saver. I do not credit him for the air that I breathe or the force that stops me from killing myself. He's simply a person I extemely like, my good (and bad) role model, my image of perfection, and the stronghold against my imperfections.

He helps me live, that I could say. He makes me alive, to be accurate. He also makes me want to help lives. He's my metaphorical teacher and my case studies at the same time. I'm a dreamer and he's my dream. He's a doer and I want him to do me (skip that! that's rated NC-17, keep away!!! ughh)

In short Tegoshi's this person I love so much that I can't afford to miss the tradition. I'm repeating myself too much, heh. Happy birthday, rainbow poop! ♥

Look at this wonderful piece of personality profile from Scorpio Quotes:

It's nailed to the ground, man! My groundbreaking man! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I shall finish this entry now. It's dinner time and I'm hungry! No Tego at the table because it's Nov 12 you're late you're late you're late :p


P.S. I'm listening to 四銃士 on repeat and I want to get my thoughts over the song. (sign of a new review? I hope so!)

me the emotional person, rambles, idol: tegoshi yuya, birthday post

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