I'm not really in the mood for doing things in front of the PC but working here is now a rare chance because I might undergo an internet hiatus again. An indefinite one, since our internet connection will be cut soon--financial instability, 'tis the inconvenient truth.
I am depressed, maybe because of the reason above? Yet instead of using my remaining precious net time for something productive here I can't. Because... I am depressed.
But since I am depressed (and I talk a lot even when depressed), I'll ramble in here. Thank you livejournal for being my refuge at this moment. As the title of the entry states: I want to give this post some sense. This is not sarcasm yo! Dearest f-list you can read and relate and react because what I'll ramble deals with "relatable" things (?) and a good amount of fandom. As usual. :)
First feels first: NEWS' [NEWS] Album is the best thing out there right now. Great and grand album for their 10th anniversary! But I won't say it's perfect, as I see some flaws.
↓↑ ...in the perspective of a fangirl-musician... ↑↓
I badly want to post my reviews for each track and this album as a whole, in the perspective of a musician. I've already read a review of the album by
nihonchique, and I actually agree on most of her thoughts. But of course her review is more generalized (music and other stuff she puts into the review), while my review wants to focus on the music--just music--which means I might be too critical and technical, using music terms and such. Oops, sumimasen! Though I'm unsure if I could really put it that way because I'm also a fangirl who depends on her heart. ♥ You know, like this: I don't like Lovin' U because it's too Tegomass-ish for Tegoshi's solo and it didn't meet my musical expectations but because I'm a easy-to-sway Tegoshi wota I love the song... It makes me cry damn tears. ;___; (See? Feels are always getting in the way~!)
I just hope I can post the review immediately. I already have the whole review in my head but oi I'm depressed and I do not have the urge to organize my thoughts--and make the criticisms gentle (I don't want to sound too harsh!)
There's another reason I still can't post the review: Each time I listen to the songs my analyzations turn slightly different. Yes, each time. I can never make up my mind LOL~
Speaking of I can never make up my mind, this is a quality a typical Gemini has. And do you know what the Gemini's other weaknesses are?
- Superficial
- Impulsive
- Restless
- Devious
- Indecisive
I'm all of that.
Another reason why I'm depressed.
I can never get any work done, although some people see me as a hardworking person... (Well, at a glance, I may seem hardworking because I want to do EVERYTHING at the same time!) It's just in a glance. The truth is, I'm vey lazy. And has no definite direction in life. AND TEGOSHI F*CKIN HATES THAT KIND OF PERSON.
Okay I'm not gonna start with the sobbing session xD Let's continue with this zodiac-'fun'.
So why with the zodiac sign in this post? I'm now obsessed with astrology oh god. Because it's awesome and it tells a lot. Believe it or not, astrology is freaking accurate (warning: please don't depend your life on this, as I'm also trying not to depend on the 'stars'. Even though I'm now addicted to astrology I swear I'll not make this the basis of my life okay. Just continue reading for the sake of fun. ^^)
I'll put the list of each signs' typical personality/characteristic here. You might be amazed when you read your own.
Aries ♦ March 21 - April 19
- Independent
- Generous
- Optimistic
- Enthusiastic
- Courageous
- Moody
- Short tempered
- Self-involved
- Impulsive
- Impatient
Taurus ♦ April 20 - May 20
- Dependable
- Persistent
- Loyal
- Patient
- Generous
- Stubborn
- Laziness
- Possessive
- Materialistic
- Self-indulging
Gemini ♦ May 21 - June20
- Energetic
- Clever
- Imaginative
- Witty
- Adaptable
(I already stated the weaknesses earlier)
Cancer ♦ June 21 - July 22
- Loyalty
- Dependable
- Caring
- Adaptable
- Responsive
- Moody
- Clingy
- Self-pitying
- Oversensitive
- Self-absorbed
Leo ♦ July 23 - August 22
- Confident
- Ambitious
- Generous
- Loyal
- Encouraging
- Pretentious
- Domineering
- Melodramatic
- Stubborn
- Vain
Virgo ♦ August 23- September 22
- Analytical
- Observant
- Helpful
- Reliable
- Precise
- Skeptical
- Fussy
- Inflexible
- Cold
- Interfering
Libra ♦ September 23 - October 22
- Diplomatic
- Graceful
- Peaceful
- Idealistic
- Hospitable
- Superficial
- Vain
- Indecisive
- Unreliable
Scorpio ♦ October 23 - November 21
- Loyal
- Passionate
- Resourceful
- Observant
- Dynamic
- Jealous
- Obsessive
- Suspicious
- Manipulative
- Unyielding
Sagittarius ♦ November 22 - December 21
- Independence
- Unemotional
(what? these are the only keywords provided by my reference? LOL)
Capricorn ♦ December 22 - January 19
Aquarius ♦ January 20 - February 18
- Witty
- Clever
- Humanitarian
- Inventive
- Original
- Stubborn
- Unemotional
- Sarcastic
- Rebellious
- Aloof
Pisces ♦ February 19 - March 20
- Compassionate
- Adaptable
- Accepting
- Devoted
- Imaginative
- Oversensitive
- Indecisive
- Self-pitying
- Lazy
- Escapist
(source)If you read (or at least scroll down unto this part) thank you! I would like to explain further into each of the signs (especially Gemini *my sign*, Scorpio *Tegoshi*, Cancer *my mom & Massu & Shige*, Libra *because I found out that I also have a Librean influence*) but there's not much time left. Shall log-out any sooner and damn I don't wanna go away now 'cause I'm enjoying this topic! >< Fuu~
they (Scorpio) sometimes possess penetrating eyes which make their shyer companions feel naked and defenseless before them.
Lastly, this isn't about NEWS or astrology anymore but about my other fandom KARA. I'll be turning a year in the Kamilia fandom this Wednesday! I still don't have plans though.
Expect more KARA in my mind (and probably on my posts here and on ny other blogs) because aside from my birthday as a Kamilia, this Wednesday is also important to ALL Kamilias: Han Seungyeon's (my KARA bias *though I don't really have a huge bias for my biases except for rockin' scorpio Tegoshi hahaha*) 25th birthday! And the release of Thank You Summer Love, KARA's 9th Japanese single!
Actually, too many things are happening in the fandom, I'm stating to get all tired and confused. Much more when our net connection will be cut. So where will my life go now??? *wails*
Adding a random collage: my FB's cover photo:
(L-R: The scorpion, the crab, the bull and the other crab. Oh, all animals. The twins in me are delighted. xD)