Title: It's Complicated
Author: Leilia
Rating: PG
Prompt(s) Used: Tangled Family Tree
Summary: A simple homework assignment isn't so simple when there are Fitzhughs involved.
Warnings: A little swearing. Some spoilers. This isn't canon since none of the kids are actually born yet so the names, genders, and personalities may all change.
This is bullshit! )
The kids are going to need a powerpoint, flipbook, or some other kind of visual aid to present their family thicket, but Mrs. Newson (I'm guessing it's Ginger) should know all about adoptions, so that will make things easier.
I actually just pulled the name out of a hat when picking the teacher name. It just needed to be someone who wasn't related to the Warner, Fitzhugh, Vetinari, simself, Doran ivy. Newson was the first name that sprung to mind.
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