My mother watches a lot of trashy TV. An episode of Access Hollywood was on.
The topic, Bieber and his Gomez lady friend.
The lady correspondent looks at the cam coyly and says in a "are they dumb?" voice, "He's sixteen and she's eighteen...that's illegal."
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I recently pulled some passive-aggressive stuff at work, and I know I shouldn't because it makes me stew in my anger more, but strangely enough, it had the desired effect, because the other folks got the message, did their work without prompting or complaint, and that was the end (for now).
And what's REALLY weird, is that I have virtually no respect for my boss and make no effort at all to be beyond civil...but the other day, she tried to get my attention, failed, and rapped on my cubicle. I turned around, paused my ipod, and apologized -- sincerely. It was very strange, because normally I'm very terse, no-nonsense with her, but when I sounded sincerely apologetic, I realized I think I really was sorry.
I think it's mindset. I've decided to let myself feel anger and to let myself express it, and maybe that idea has already mellowed me out in a weird zen kind of way. (like, knowing it's okay to be angry and not berating myself for it has had a calming effect where I know I CAN be angry, but I don't need to be) I don't know. That's kind of a stretch.
maybe that's the thing with passive-aggressiveness--it really DOES achieve the intended effect sometimes! and sometimes when you "express" anger in a supposedly "constructive" way, it does no good at all. =_= so while it's all very cool to say, in theory, that passive-aggressiveness is bad, with certain kinds of people i think it's sometimes the only way to make things happen.
as for the episode with your boss, maybe it just shows that you're one of those people who don't simply react off the bat, but are mindful (in a zen way? ;) of your own actions to the point where, even if the other person is hateful, you still determine your own behavior. :) the whole "even if you're a crappy person, i'm not" kind of thing. ;)
Feelin' pretty good so far. I'll send zen thoughts your way. :)
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