Jun 14, 2006 19:50
I was going to write a really I'M ANGRY-sort-of-entry but I can't do that. Not if I ever want to be able to control my anger. By this, I don't mean restraining myself. I just need to be able to accept the fact that some people are completely close-minded DUMBASSES. I have to accept that some people.. I can never get through to. Some people will always be bitter, immature, mean, etc. I don't understand how people can be like that. Or how people are always sad or indifferent all the time. I think it's selfish. I think that those kind of people live in a box. And if THEY can't change that themselves, then I shouldn't feel obligated to do so for them.
: \ I know I say what I want to say in here. But I still feel guilty. Like I should do something to help. But I can't. It's not my call. The last thing I want to do is be angry..