Title: Silent Hill: The Unmaker's Pit
Rating: M (attempted horror and some gore)
Pairing/Characters: Jazz, Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, Bluestreak, Perceptor, Hound, Cliffjumper, Beachcomber
Warnings: Attempted horror and gore, character deaths, friendships/obsessions that might hint at slash if you want to
Disclaimer: Do not own.
A/N: Final part. Here are
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Poor Beachcomber, Bluestreak, and Sunstreaker. (Poor Perceptor too, since I assume he is the one who survived but will still be trapped for good.) Bluestreak just wanted out and managed to damn himself. Beachcomber is one of the last people you would think deserved it. Sunstreaker had Sideswipe, and he got damned in such a noble way... Alessa truly is cruel, but life made her that way.
So Beachcomber meets James? I haven't played the actual games before (I'm trying to convince my parents to let me get it), but you can go on Youtube and there are plenty of clips with him in there. You could learn enough about him to write his character... *nudge* *nudge*
*subtly points doppelganger bunnies towards hiding place* It's the same with Alessa, Dark Alessa, and Sharon. One's the whole, one's purely the Silent Hill side, and one is the purity and innocence left over or from before. *looks innocent* And I am in no way trying to breed your plot bunnies. *whistles and goes off to read Silent Hill: Search for Home*
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