Title: Silent Hill: The Unmaker's Pit
Rating: M (attempted horror and some gore)
Pairing/Characters: Jazz, Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, Bluestreak, Perceptor, Hound, Cliffjumper, Beachcomber
Warnings: Attempted horror and gore, character deaths, friendships/obsessions that might hint at slash if you want to
Disclaimer: Do not own.
A/N: Final part. Here are
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Don't know where I got the idea. I'm blaming the medicine for it. ;D
So the size of the doll is what made them realize they were really home? So, in a sense, it was Sunstreaker that showed them that they were safe. Sunstreaker that showed Sideswipe that it was safe. It's like he's still looking out for his brother as best he can.
The size of the doll was solid proof for Sideswipe that they were home. So yeah, even after death he's still looking out for his brother.
Like I said, I haven't seen Silent Hill (I don't have the nerve), so I don't know the significance of the violin or the song or why Perceptor would be the one chosen to learn it. It seems rather important, and I wonder why.
The violin and the song where part of the bunny. In the movie, Alessa chose the main character to tell her story and unleash her vengeance on the people that made her suffer at the end of the movie. My twisted mind chose Perceptor for this. Only he went crazy before he even tried unlocking Silent Hill's secrets.
How many times have they been forced to watch their friends die, whether in their nightmares or in cruel images Silent Hill shows them? I wonder.
*shoots bunny* Nooo! No more ideas! *hides*
There are no bloodstains, are there? But Sideswipe can't help but still see them, still remember, subconsciously, Sunstreaker's death.
Red Alert does mention the doll is clean. You're right about why Sideswipe sees blood on it.
Hound left Cliffjumper for dead, Sunstreaker sacrificed himself to save Cliffjumper. Cliffjumper may believe Sunstreaker's death is his fault, but it's Hound's, isn't it?
Yes, it's all Hound's fault. Sad part is that he doesn't feel sorry for it.
Before Silent Hill, the only one Sunstreaker would have done that for would have been Sideswipe. As horrible as their situation is, it seems to have brought them closer together, for the most part.
I thought that being human would've closed the 'mystical' bond between twins. Meaning they wouldn't be able to read each others thoughts and feelings. They both would need to learn how to read each other and at the same time read the others to know how they feel. Bringing them closer to the group. Plus survival makes people do crazy things.
This is so heartbreaking. I need to cry some more.
Need another plushie? Chocolate?
Perceptor's always the one covered in blood. It's like... death is drawn to him.
*whistles innocently*
Cliffjumper may seem to be the sanest of them, but he has his own insanity. At least his seems to be mostly harmless.
Unless he thinks Sideswipe is threatened or that the twin will find it funny.
And to think, before Silent Hill, everyone else was trying to ignore his music.
Ironic. You know, I didn't noticed that until I finished writing it.
Huh. I just assumed the bunny was inspired by something that actually happened in the movie/game.
I wish we had seen more of the puzzles. It'd be interesting to see, whenever he momentarily stopped playing, if he wrote the puzzles out and tried to solve them. I wonder what their friends would think of that. *thinks* I can see Wheeljack trying to help him solve it...
*shoots bunny* Nooo! No more ideas! *hides*
I'm sorry! I can't help it!
Red Alert does mention the doll is clean. You're right about why Sideswipe sees blood on it.
*hugs Sideswipe* Poor baby...
Yes, it's all Hound's fault. Sad part is that he doesn't feel sorry for it.
I wonder what Mirage would think if he ever learned this.
I thought that being human would've closed the 'mystical' bond between twins. Meaning they wouldn't be able to read each others thoughts and feelings. They both would need to learn how to read each other and at the same time read the others to know how they feel. Bringing them closer to the group. Plus survival makes people do crazy things.
A good explanation. I like it. And yes, trying to survive does seem to make people crazy.
Need another plushie? Chocolate?
... Dark chocolate?
*whistles innocently*
Unless he thinks Sideswipe is threatened or that the twin will find it funny.
It's sweet how Cliffjumper takes care of him. Like parent and child.
Ironic. You know, I didn't noticed that until I finished writing it.
Things like that happen sometimes. Like with my most recent fic, something I wrote was symbolic without me realizing it.
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