Title: Silent Hill: The Unmaker's Pit
Rating: M (attempted horror and some gore)
Pairing/Characters: Jazz, Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, Bluestreak, Perceptor, Hound, Cliffjumper, Beachcomber
Warnings: Attempted horror and gore, character deaths, friendships/obsessions that might hint at slash if you want to
Disclaimer: Do not own.
A/N: Final part. Here are
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The dreams... that's why they weren't sure they were really home. I hadn't realized 'til just now.
Without a word, he just ran outside into the fog… While the Other side of Silent Hill was active.
Has Beachcomber become part of Silent Hill now? Can he ever leave or is he as good as dead?
They sometimes thought they saw him walking around the town only to find nothing but strange words and puzzles that seemed addressed to Perceptor. But Perceptor was unable to answer the puzzles...
I wonder if Perceptor will ever be able to solve the puzzles. I wonder, if he does manage to solve them, it will end the curse of Silent Hill, freeing all those who are trapped there. And I wonder why they were addressed to Perceptor.
“Wherever they went, it changed them enough to prevent one from dying. Whatever that was, it may be connected to the mysterious glitch they all came with.They never thought to tell anyone they had been human, have they? Even Sideswipe's comments about ( ... )
He did become part of Silent Hill. The others left him for dead, but he just disappeared.
You know, people need to write more about Beachcomber. It isn't right that I actually got a muse with his name screaming "Write what happens to me in Silent Hill after I ran and disappeared!"
I wonder if Perceptor will ever be able to solve the puzzles. I wonder, if he does manage to solve them, it will end the curse of Silent Hill, freeing all those who are trapped there. And I wonder why they were addressed to Perceptor.
Alessa chose Perceptor and Beachcomber thought it would free them and get them home. Neither the games nor the movie are known for having good endings. The games had multiple endings that ranged from depressing to downright horrible, if what I read was right.
They never thought to tell anyone they had been human, have they?Nope, they haven't told anyone. And even if they did, would they believe them or think it was part of the ( ... )
What you need to do, is turn this fic into a series. *hopes*
Alessa chose Perceptor and Beachcomber thought it would free them and get them home.
And instead, it was Wheeljack that managed to free them. Alessa didn't want them there but I wonder how Silent Hill itself feels about having it's prey stolen from it. Just how much control does Alessa have over her world?
Nope, they haven't told anyone. And even if they did, would they believe them or think it was part of the damage in their CPUs?
They'd probably believe it was the CPU damage, yes. After all, the supernatural doesn't actually exist, right?
Yeah, there's no way they'd believe them.
I think if they hadn't become humans they wouldn't had suffered mental damage in the first place. Silent Hill is horrible, but they are bigger than the monsters and have built-in firepower and wheels ( ... )
Something tells me it's going to end a series. *whimpers*
Alessa didn't want them there but I wonder how Silent Hill itself feels about having it's prey stolen from it. Just how much control does Alessa have over her world?
I don't think Silent Hill will be too happy. Alessa has complete control of what happens in Silent Hill, or at least in the movie she does.
*sequel bunnies got reinforcements*
Like I said: Series!
God, I'm doomed, aren't I?
I was assuming Alessa sent it to him, hoping to keep him at least mildly connected to Silent Hill in hopes he'd solve the puzzles. Or that Silent Hill itself sent it to him in an attempt to gain a foothold in Perceptor's world. But if the violin was made by Wheeljack, and Perceptor playing it still brings a chill... I wonder if Perceptor has a little of Silent Hill's magic within him.The violin might have been given by Wheeljack, but the song was sent by Alessa. I'm going with Perceptor has a little of Silent Hill's magic with ( ... )
Yay! *happy dance*
*sequel bunnies got reinforcements*
*tries to look innocent*
God, I'm doomed, aren't I?
Yes. Yes, you are.
Being doomed is fun, ain't it?
The violin might have been given by Wheeljack, but the song was sent by Alessa. I'm going with Perceptor has a little of Silent Hill's magic with him. Probably cause everyone got a little bit of Silent Hill. Perceptor only has a little bit more. =D
... I love that.
rofl Yeah, it's fun.
And don't try to look innocent, I know you do this on purpose. XP
I'm found out! *panicks* No one was supposed to find out! How did anyone find out?!
Rumble: *subspaces camera and hides under the bed*
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