It's funny how quickly friends can forget...this statement is definitely reciprocated.
It was Thursday night--boyfriend was over. He's a football player and lives in a football house. He suggested to have my friends over from home, my old home--Calabasas. It struck me. My old friends that I so poorly kept in touch with...I automatically jumped at the chance to call all of them...All were unanswered, so voicemail was my only option...I invited them down to the Oxy Blue House...The following day--friday, not one single girl, one single friend wanted to come. In fact, all but one, didn't even return my phone call. When phone messages fail, IM's are the next attempt. I tried instant messaging all of them...I was responded with a variety of emotions...some despondent, some bitchy, some sad, and some trying to be as mean as possible. Their angry at me for not keeping in touch...but they didn't try either...To me, it seemed unfair...a friendship works with the help of two--not one. Yes, I left for college, I had to deal with a new enviornment, new school, new living arrangements, and new friends. My lifestyle changed...they dont understand. They could have just as easily picked up the phone and called, or even had an easier time than me, back in the small bubble of calabasas. Either way, I wanted to change OUR loss of friendship. I invited all of them to come down and party. I'd treat them, I'd introduce them to everyone. I'd show them what the hell is going on over here...and maybe they'd get it. They all dismissed my invitation. I cried. Allison did come...I dont see her that often...but we both randomnly call each other once in a while--not much and dont see each other much...maybe it works cuz she's away at college too, maybe its cuz she is empathetic and understands....whatever it may be... she knows me well enough to say I would never intentionally try to hurt anyone...she knows i suck with phone calls...maybe that's why our friendship has lasted 6 years. I've been friends with these girls for at least 2 years and you think if you fucked up, they'd give you a break. Everyone messes up, and friends forgive. I'm trying and their still angry. Christmas is coming up and it's sad knowing that some of ur closest friends simply dont care about ur effort, because as they said "it's just too late now." Anyways...I miss you girls...You know I am deeply and genuinely sorry. I wish you could give me a chance. I love you.
P.S. here are the pictures from the friday party--wish you were here :(