Aug 22, 2004 00:02
its amazing how the window always pops up. even though i keep xing out of it. to leave teh rrom . n but i can't. i tried to. and then i noticed i musti've left the door open from when i entered so i've been expose this whole time! the hill was in a slant too wehn we wer ecamping out. there is a lot of b ass in the slam door shuts on lindsays computer when someone leaves. and a girl with an ice cream is a sticker. oon it. I didn't even want ice cream at mcdonealsd. cuz i think i ned onmg taras on i thought she was upstairs and i'm like how is she talking to me from upstairs in the pool room. ahbut i forgot she wnet home. it was weird. id in't feel lik my face was on me earlier. i would feel like i could pull on it... lsowly and my mouth would blow up like angelian jolie. squicshed in like that. oh that's weird. i found a stray piece of beef jerky on the outside of the bag when i was searching in the bag. and then i was like woh . tthe time sure is going by slowe. i think i should nap. but ro saidn ot to at this time. k goodnight.