(no subject)

Feb 08, 2005 18:40

It is so nice to have nothing to do. At least, nothing that I need to do. The first wave of midterms is over, I wrote my first ever full p-chem report, and even got it in on time. AND WE GOT AN 86! *dances all over the room*

It bothers me, much more than I realized, that I seem to be the only one in my lab group that actually cares about the quality of the work we turn in. We work in groups of 3, so I'm grouped up with Dan and Rachel. Dan was a resident advisor in the dorm I lived in freshman year, though not on my floor, and he's an all around nice guy, though needs to bathe a bit more... ^-^; Rachel was two doors down from me in the dorms, and she is absolutely AWESOME as a person. I lived with her last year (and I'm kinda hoping she'll wanna live together next year, though I dunno... we're not the best of friends ever). She has more motivation to work hard and pass classes than anyone I've ever met. Unfortunately, she's not even close to a perfectionist. She does enough to pass the tests, and she makes sure that everything is -done-. But she just doesn't care much beyond that, especially not for labs. Granted, that's probably a better view to take, the lab being worth a whole 2 units for all this work, but I simply CAN NOT turn in a report if I KNOW there are errors in it. And Dan and Rachel have no problems with turning in a lab report with mistakes and errors in it. They also have no problem getting crap for data just to get the lab done faster in class. I guess it really only bothers me because I had to work with such horrible data for the lab report I wrote up. And I know we would have gotten around a 60 or less on the lab if I hadn't done most of the real work on it. I don't mean to sound like I'm the only one who knows anything. It's just that Rachel, while she wanted to help me get it done, didn't bother to figure out how the lab worked at all. She had no idea what she was looking at. Granted, we were both so busy that neither of us had any time to spare, but then she'd try to "fix" things, not even knowing what she was fixing, or what it was supposed to be. So I'd have to go back and unfix them. And then looking over what she'd done, it was obvious she didn't really care. So I had more fixing to do.

Ok, that was way too much ranting for that. The point of this was supposed to be that I'm pretty much done now, for a while. But I know, I really know, that this is just life fucking with me again. This is life luring me into a false sense of security, trying to get me comfortable, and happy, before it comes back and bites me in the ass again. The pattern just keeps repeating. Soon enough, I'll be drowning in work again, thinking "how did all this sneak up on me?" The truth is, it never really snuck up on me, it just always seems that way. Life has a way of letting up just long enough to make sure you're completely unprepared to deal with whatever wave of horrors comes next. But right now, I want to enjoy the fact that I've got nothing important to do.

In other news, Seth got sick yesterday. It was bound to happen. His classes are harder than mine, and he's been run down for a while now. Of course, last week he was fine, and actually in a lull in the work, and so he was really nice and brought me food and stuff while I worked. Now it's my turn to repay the favor. He's got so much to do this week. We went to fencing today, and he didn't fence, being sick and all. Afterward, I did his grocery shopping and cooked him orange chicken, then got all the dishes cleaned up (while he tried to nudge in and do it for me... silly boy) and took him to class. I'm really hoping he calls in sick for work tomorrow night. He's seriously in no state to be serving people popcorn.
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