
Dec 16, 2007 16:13

So... we're not exactly snowbound right now. We just get back from seeing I Am Legend, which I enjoyed but didn't watch many parts of... except indirectly. I usually watch the bottom right corner of the screen when something scary is happening. I could watch it, but for some reason if I use my peripheral vision, it doesn't get into my thoughts as much and cause me to have scary sleep depriving nightmares. We are MOSTLY snowbound though, since anywhere we'd try to go would take a long and dangerous time in driving.

We've had friends over since last night. They came for poker and by the time we were finished with the second game =} we decided it would be better not to risk death or dismemberment and utilize our couches and sleeping bags instead.


Just yesterday morning I was thinking to myself how great it would be to get snowed in. I don't deserve to LIVE!

I kid. I really have been enjoying it. I played EQII all morning and read some more of my book The War of the Flowers. I'm trying to pace myself, since I just realized the other day that I've gone through 10 hefty books since HP7 came out; Tad Williams' Memory Sorrow and Thorn series, Otherworld books, HP7, and Goodkind's last Sword of Truth book (Confessor) There may be one other that I'm forgetting, but that's off the top of my head.

I also got to make a nice breakfast for everyone this morning since church was canceled, which, incidentally was also providential since I was supposed to practice the Christmas songs with the kids that they're singing next Sunday and I barely have any voice due to this phlegm/cold thing I'm battling. Fried corn mush with sugar and cinnamon then drizzled with maple syrup and scrambled eggs with turkey sausage, ham, and sharp cheddar with toast on the side. I love cooking.

This evening we get to join our neighbors across the alley for a vat of chili and I'm providing the chocolate cupcakes. Delicious! Good blizzards make good neighbors. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for at LEAST a delay tomorrow. Maybe we can even get in a game of Shadows over Camelot tonight. Or at least Ticket to Ride.

The downside to this winter wonderland is that
1) I left my Over the Rhine Christmas CD at school (slaps forehead) and
2} I had planned on gift buying today instead of putting it off until Christmas Eve this year.

=} Oh well. I'm really thankful nonetheless. Stay warm everyone
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