(no subject)

Dec 19, 2006 16:00

Dear LJ,

I realize I'm probably getting addicted to writing to you but I really cannot help it. Usually I'm sitting here and I'm thinking to myself and I just really want to write/type down what I'm thinking no matter what it is. And if I get really "deep" all the time forgive me... it's just the way I am.
 So I'm currently home alone which I really like. I can sing at the top of my lungs, watch my favorite chick flick tearjerker movies and cry so no one sees me, other fun stuff and I can just be alone. Sometimes I need some time to myself which I don't get that often. You know, some time just with me and my thoughts. It rarely ever really helps me work things out but it helps me address some things that maybe Ive been trying to avoid.
 I've realized lately that many of my topics for writing have been to complain about disappointment and being naive. I'm sorry that many of them have been downers but don't you think that disappointment is the root of all sadness? I mean when someone breaks up with you, you're disappointed that they couldn't still love you the way you love them, or if someone doesn't like you same deal, or if someone lets you down you're sad because you thought you were important enough for someone else. It just goes on and on. So can you understand why this sticks with me? I don't like being hurt... who does? It just really bothers me and it's one of those things that takes me a while to get over. Maybe what I've talked about in the past doesn't seem to be a big deal on the surface but I think if everyone knew the situation like me, it'd make a lot more sense.
 I'd say I'm one of those people that forgives easy but never truely forgets, or can never truely move on,,, you see what I'm saying? I forgive way easy but the situation for me will always be there. I don't move on easy from relationships or from crushes or from friendships easy. There's always something that holds me back and it usually takes a while... and it hurts pretty bad too. For anyone who shares this trait, I feel your pain.
 all right I'm done w/ all this deepness.... I'm gonna go take a nap

me myself and i, disappointment, relationships

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