Argh, technology.

Sep 04, 2012 09:51

ANYWAY. I wrote this yesterday and managed to erase it. Didn't have time to put it back up until this morning. I hope everyone is having an awesome Tuesday.

I just finished Insurgent in one day. And the final book of the trilogy isn't coming out until a year from now. As century_fox predicted, I found the cliffhanger pretty mind-blowing, although it makes a great deal of sense within the parameters of this fictional universe.

These damn books have me so thinky. It's not so much the writing style, because while I don't mind it, it's heavily reliant on dramatics such as ending a section with a single word, revealing yet another character who has betrayed/screwed over/surprised/shocked/disappointed/fill in another negative word the protagonist. However, there are a couple sections I'm going to quote here. (All words in the block quote are Veronica Roth's, just to make that clear.)

Sometimes I feel like I am collecting the lessons each faction has to teach me, and storing them in my mind like a guidebook for moving through the world. There is always something to learn, always something that is important to understand.


"Better." Jeanine tilts her head. "In fact, it is one of the largest lateral prefrontal cortexts I've ever seen. Yet the orbitofrontal cortex is remarkably small. What do these two facts indicate?"

"The orbitofrontal cortex is the reward center of the brain. Those who exhibit reward-seeking behavior have a large orbitofrontal cortex," someone says. "That means that Ms. Prior engages in very little reward-seeking behavior."

"Not just that." Jeanine smiles a little. Blue light from the screens makes her cheekbones and forehead brighter but casts shadows in her eye sockets. "It does not merely indicate something about her behavior, but about her desires. She is not reward motivated. Yet she is extremely good at directing her thoughts and actions toward her goals. This explains both her tendency toward harmful-but-selfless behavior and, perhaps, her ability to wriggle out of simulations."

*dies laughing* Anyone who has had five minutes of character discussion with me will know why this protagonist makes me instantly flaily.

I've put this question to lowriseflare, and now I'll ask the rest of you. What traits in a character guarantee that you will fall, and hard? What are tropes you can't resist, no matter how hard you try?

Finally, I wrote 2000 words yesterday. It felt entirely horrible and inexpressibly great at the same time. On that note, a short list of word-related September goals (why be normal and make New Year's resolutions?):

1. Write a draft of one original something-or-other, minimum of two thousand words.
2. Force myself to edit at least one of the gajillion email fics I write for adrenalin211 and post it.
3. Organize the hell out of my desk.
4. Read a book that doesn't take place after some sort of apocalypse.

How about you guys? Do you have September goals, word-related or otherwise?

book talk, i'm such a pseudophilosophical wannabe, rl, writing

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