Monday, Monday.

Aug 27, 2012 09:10

Stolen from lowriseflare, as usual:

Ask me a writing-related question in the comments. It can be about my writing or writing in general, whatever you want. Questions can be as wacky as you want. Ask me about characters, quirks, habits, opinions, favorites, difficulties, fandoms, inspirations, ficathons, challenges, specific stories. Ask whatever! I'll answer and, in return, I will ask you a question at least loosely connected to yours.

In vaguely related news,

The damn books have their own magazine, including information on how to release your inner goddess. Perhaps I should have bought it:P

eta: Even though this is less upsetting than 50 Shades, I'm still dying. Thanks to A for the pic:

Yesterday was the deadline for this year's big bang. I feel bummed that I didn't write the story, but I know it was the right decision, because the product would have sucked anyway if I tried to cram it in.

ANYWAY. Cloudy Monday. Moar coffee is definitely in order. Talk to me about stuff if you have time, and I'll talk back in between reffing kid battles and wanting to punch Netflix for streaming Shake It Up.

wtf?, meme, the internet is for porn, writing

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