Sep 16, 2008 16:01
It's a common affliction of the fanfic writer: lack of inspiration. In my case, it's a double depresso*, lack of inspiration and general lack of interest in anything involving everything. Long story, short movie, all that gibblefibble, etc.
I've got two fics just sitting there, literally and metaphorically. Literally, in the sense that I have the notebooks with their various scraps of paper tucked in various states of organization between pages of notebook paper. Metaphorically, because what remains unwritten lies before me, either like a road or a set of icebergs waiting to rip into me should I dare to venture forward and begin to write them again.
Seeking inspiration is difficult when you have a very limited set of interests in the first place. (I'm just that boring, go me!) I've been poking about on and various steampunk sites looking for visual inspiration. (Worth might be able to help me out with settings for my version of a Star Wars afterlife, steampunk is for motivation in developing the culture of Deiu for my courtesan story).
I've been reading some more fanfic, though I still can't get over my paranoia about becoming contaminated with someone else's ideas and having it wind up in my stuff at some point. Hell, there's even a small glimmer of "Yippie!" on the Hornblower fandom front, considering that Blower Vs. Bush is entering Season Three over at Youtube (although that probably won't inspire any fanfic, despite the influence the series has in the creation of my SW AU).'s not enough. The creative spirit, it is restless, and it seeks...something different. The perpetually bored dark side wraithy type of my inner self has apparently awakened from its slumber. Oy.
*Espresso, of course, picks you up, turns you out, gives you a lovely buzz. Depresso, obviously, makes you feel draggy without a lovely buzz.