Ok, so there's this introduced toad species in Australia called cane toads. And they're poisonous, and they're a nusance, and they're wreaking havoc on the natural ecology, yadda yadda yadda, introduced species never work out blah blah blah, they didn't do what they were supposed to, blee.
But do you know what people do with these toads? They boil them and mash them up and roll them into joints and smoke them. Because the poison makes you high. And the drug official people of Australia had to outlaw drugs made out of toads. Humans never cease to amaze me.
And this is what I learned in Biology today, because my professor was off at the hospital with his wife who is having their baby. Awwwwwwwwwwww. :)
Oh, and also my egg... was supposed to hatch today...