Dec 16, 2005 05:48
Well it's true. I had endometriosis. Going in for surgery I was really scared because I don't think anyone wants to be cut open for he hell of it, but at the same time I didn't want to have the disease. But I do, well I did because they burnt off everything that they could see, the good news was that we caught it in time before it spread to any other organs. But anyways, I have an incision low on my stomach right at the beginning of where the pubic hair line is, and I have another incision inside my belly button which is the most sore. Also, when I woke up from surgery my shoulders, arms, neck, and chest were really sore, which was from the gas that they blow up your insides with once surgery is over it disperses up towards the top of your body and can make those areas sore. My throat was also sore from the tube down my throat helping me breathe during surgery. All in all I have to say it was a good surgery, I went into the OR by myself and I woke up in recovery by myself and I never cried once, I felt pretty good just in a lot of pain, plus I was on some serious drugs yesterday when I got up and I took more when I got home, so it was a little crazy. Elizah came over to visit last night and said I looked really fucked up, my eyes looked like a crackheads. LOL. She is probably the most amazing person. She sat on my floor next to my bed in the dark last night until I fell asleep. She didn't have to but she really wants me to get better. Honestly, who the hell needs a boyfriend when you have a girlfriend like that! :) But anyways, here I am the second day and I'm already going back to work. She gave me 2 weeks of recovery time, but I'm only taking a day because I need to catch up before I fall behind at work, and E is bringing me to class tomorrow morning and sitting there for 3 hours and 45 minutes with me and bringing me home afterwards. She's amazing! But anyways, It's 6AM and I really need to start trying to get ready for work and stuff. Anyone who wants to come by and visit just call to make sure I'm home I love the company, and I also really appreciate the text messages I got from people I didn't expect. It means the world in a situation like that! :)